Opportunities to Decolonize ‘The Vancouver Plan’

Project Title: Opportunities to Decolonize ‘The Vancouver Plan’
Client: Department of Planning, Urban Design, and Sustainability, City of Vancouver
Students: Archana Rajendren, Michael Law, Isabella Pepe, Alexander Howes
Faculty Lead: Andrea Reimer
Fieldwork Location: Virtual – Vancouver
Year: 2020-21

About the Project: The goal of this research was assessing strategies used by communities to the City of Vancouver to support the COV in developing an initial understanding of what they imagine a decolonized City should look like from a policy and/or land-use perspective. This reserach can be used by the COV as they continue to understand what a “decolonized city” might look like in the context of “the Vancouver Plan” planning process. The output of this project was a policy report and presentation to the City of Vancouver.

Key Words: Urban, Governance, Reconciliation