UBC Future of Food Global Dialogue Series

Tuesday January 31, 2017
12:00 PM - 12:00 PM


Right To Food housing agriculture, food, GMO, crops, wheat


The UBC Future of Food Global Dialogue Series has a new website! Please visit http://futureoffood.landfood.ubc.ca for details on this campus-wide initiative bringing together food security and sustainability experts from across the university and North America to regularly engage the UBC community and the public around the Global Food System, including topics such as climate change, food security, biodiversity, social justice, culture, and policy.  The series uses various formats to foster discussion, such as dialogue circles, seminars, panel discussions, performances, photo exhibitions, and film screenings.

The series is jointly convened by the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm,  the Liu Institute for Global Issues, and UBC Reads Sustainability, an initiative of UBC Sustainability. We invite you to consider collaborating with us or to suggest ideas for topics and speakers. If your team is planning to host speakers next year who may be a fit for our series, we would love to hear from you.
