IAR Asia Pacific Forum: Charlie Hebdo and Freedom of Speech in the Asia Pacific

Wednesday January 21, 2015
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Please join us for our first APF discussion of 2015 which aims to address the relevance of freedom of speech in the Asia Pacific in connection to religious fundamentalism, in the wake of the terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo publication in Paris, France.

Dr. Tim Cheek, Professor, Institute of Asian Research and the Department of History, Director of the Centre for Chinese Research *

Dr. Jennifer Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies

Dr. Jessica Main, Assistant Professor, Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Chair in Buddhism and Contemporary Society, Institute of Asian Research and Department of Asian Studies

Mr. Ian Marlow, Asia-Pacific Correspondent, Globe and Mail

Dr. Tsering Shakya, Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair on Religion and Contemporary Society in Asia, Institute of Asian Research

Tea, coffee and a light lunch will be served.
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IAR Asia Pacific Forum is a student-led initiative operating out of the Institute of Asian Research, The University of British Columbia.

Sponsor: MAAPPS Student Association
By: Dr. Jennifer Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies; Dr. Jessica Main, Assistant Professor, Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Chair in Buddhism and Contemporary Society, Institute of Asian Research and Department of Asian Studies; Mr. Ian Marlow, Asia-Pacific Correspondent, Globe and Mail; Dr. Tsering Shakya, Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair on Religion and Contemporary Society in Asia, Institute of Asian Research
Type: Event