Can the Displaced Speak? Refugee Muslim Young Women Negotiating Identity and Belonging Through the Camera Lens
Liu Lobby Gallery Exhibition: November 12, 2018 – January 4, 2019
Please join UBC PhD Candidate and PSI Scholar, Neila Miled, and the PhotoVoice participants for a brief presentation and Q&A session followed by refreshments and light snacks.
Friday, December 7
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Lobby Gallery, Liu Institute for Global Issues
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This PhotoVoice project exhibits the voices of ten Muslim young women who have experienced displacement due to civil wars in Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan and Syria. It captures the emotions, journeys and memories that a group of Muslim refugees from different cultural, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds choose to share about the following themes: identity, belonging, the notion of home, and their school experiences.
These young women share being Muslims and becoming ‘refugees’, but this project is an invitation to see them beyond the ‘Hijab’ and the ‘Niqab’. Through the camera lens, they speak for themselves and encourage you to see the world through their eyes. They hope you listen to their stories, as told through their photographs, and invite you to experience the dreams they are chasing and the challenges they face.
Event Poster
Artist Neila Miled. Photo Credit: Serbulant Turan PSI coordinator