UBC’s Canadian International Resources and Development Institute (CIRDI) is proud to announce the release of its gender equality strategy, a guiding document for ensuring the Institute’s project work reinforces its foundational value of empowering women and girls through sustainable natural resource governance.
In resource-dependent communities, women are more likely to face risks associated with resource extraction and development, and much less likely to access related benefits and remedial measures. Simultaneously, women hold unique knowledge, skills and experience that, if viewed as an asset and deployed effectively, can contribute to improved outcomes.
‘Advancing Gender Equality in Natural Resource Governance’ lays out CIRDI’s vision of how sustainable natural resource governance can generate lasting and inclusive benefits for women, men and children when gender equality is fully integrated.
The Strategy highlights three strategic objectives – promoting women’s leadership, facilitating equal access to training, and building gender competence in public institutions – and applies them across CIRDI’s three institutional focus areas. It lays out the challenges in addressing gender inequality in the natural resources sector, and highlights leading practice case examples from CIRDI projects in Ecuador, Indonesia and Ethiopia that are establishing a ‘new norm’. The final section describes how CIRDI’s intends to operationalize the Strategy.
The Strategy will guide the mainstreaming of gender equality and gender-based analysis across CIRDI’s programs and projects from 2018 to 2022, in alignment with CIRDI’s institutional strategic plan for 2016 to 2021 and Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP).
Download CIRDI’s Advancing Gender Equality in Natural Resource Governance Strategy.