October 27, 2020
Today, Professor David Boyd (SPPGA; IRES) will present a new report to the United Nations General Assembly, outlining mounting evidence that human rights depend on a healthy environment and describing how the legal recognition of the right to a healthy environment can better hold governments and businesses accountable. More in UBC News, How the human right to a healthy environment can help protect us all.
An opinion-editorial written by Professor David Boyd (SPPGA; IRES) further explaining his humanitarian work and goals was published in The Conversation, Why all human rights depend on a healthy environment.
October 16, 2020
Many of the world’s challenges “have their roots in our dysfunctional relationship with the natural world,” says Professor David Boyd (SPPGA; IRES). Read about his work with the UN and his global campaign on the right to a healthy planet in The Ubyssey, You Have the Right to a Healthy Environment, UBC Prof to Say at UN.