The Climate Change-Security Nexus Workshop Report
Margaret Purdy, Past Liu Visiting Fellow, UBC
Leanne Smyth, Liu Scholar Alumna, UBC
Kate Neville, Liu Scholar Alumna, UBC
March 25, 2010
The potential security implications of climate change have received far less attention in Canada than in many other countries. A January 28-29, 2010 workshop in Ottawa organized by the Climate Change and Security Project Team at the University of British Columbia was designed to address this national problem by:
- providing a forum where officials from a dozen federal government departments and agencies could learn about and discuss the possible security-related impacts of climate change in and on Canada over the next 20 years
- exposing participants to some of the world’s leading researchers on climate change – from both the science and security perspectives
- examining the experiences of other countries in addressing this issue, and
- including representatives from Canadian and American universities, think tanks and nongovernmental organizations, as well as from foreign diplomatic missions.
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