Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs students at UBC recently enjoyed learning how to enhance their resumes and cover letters, build their personal brand, and sharpen their interview skills while networking with twenty policy professionals, including Co-op employers, at a full-day conference titled “MPPGA Co-op Conference: Job Search Skills for the Policy Professions” held at UBC. These professionals, representing various sectors, shared insights regarding the in-demand skills that employers are seeking from graduates of our program and guided students regarding what to expect in the job search process.
This highlights the important role that policy practitioners play in connecting our students to the workplace, supporting them to become work-ready before they graduate. Our conference guests included Christian Hansen, Regional Director and Senior Trade Commissioner with Global Affairs Canada (Vancouver Office), Brianna Collis, Community Services Coordinator with the City of Surrey, and Karan Suri, Manager, India & Europe – International Market Development with the Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology, to name a few. Many of these policy professionals are also part of our MPPGA mentorship program. They share knowledge, expertise, and advice to guide students as they begin or return to their policy careers.
The MPPGA Co-op Program allows MPPGA students to acquire practical, paid work experience specific to policy-related professions as a complement to their classroom learning. MPPGA students participating in Co-op over the summer months have worked in a variety of roles and sectors, including Global Affairs Canada in Ottawa, the Conference Board of Canada, Goldcorp Inc., the City of Richmond, and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. Learn more about the MPPGA Co-op Program here.
Please find some highlights below:

In 15 minute sessions, MPPGA students discussed professional introductions with policy professionals, including MPPGA Co-op employers.

These sessions with policy professionals and students were done in groups to facilitate discussion regarding advice for future interviews.

Sessions were led by policy professionals including Christian Hansen, the Regional Director and Senior Trade Commissioner with Global Affairs Canada. Based out of Vancouver, Christian coached MPPGA students on interviewing for jobs with the Canadian government.

After three 15 minute sessions, students and professionals alike were invited to take a group photo, which you can view in this article.

After taking the group photo, conference attendees mingled over light refreshments after a productive day.

MPPGA students take a moment to talk as the 2018 MPPGA Co-op Conference wrapped up.