Conflict in Africa: the cost of peaceful behavior

Conflict in Africa: the cost of peaceful behavior
Philippe Le Billon (Liu Faculty, UBC), Tony Addison, S. Mansoob Murshed
September 1, 2002

Addison, T., P. Le Billon and M. Murshed (2003) “Conflict in Africa: the cost of peaceful behavior? Journal of African Economies 11(3), 365-86.


War provides economic opportunities, such as the capture of valuable natural resources, that are unavailable in peacetime. However, belligerents may prefer low‐intensity conflict to total war when the former has a greater pay‐off. This paper therefore uses a two‐actor model to capture the continuum from total war to complete peace that often characterises Africa’s conflicts. This is in contrast to the existing literature, with its focus on mutually exclusive states of total war or complete peace, an assumption which is more relevant to Europe’s inter‐state wars than to Africa’s civil wars. The paper also discusses ways to change the economic incentives of belligerents so that their behaviour becomes more peaceful.

Copyright Oxford University Press 2002.