Air Pressure: Time and Aviation in Nepal

Friday October 12, 2018
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

How are aviation workers dealing with the growth of air travel in and out of Nepal? Over the past two decades, the number of aircraft, routes, and mobility has increased. However, air traffic controllers, operations staff, and crew find themselves under considerable pressure to deal with the increasing flow of passengers through a limited infrastructure, a shortage of pilots, and relative political uncertainty. In this talk, I discuss how tensions between the future targets of the global aviation industry and the everyday practices of managing air travel in Nepal produce specific spatial hierarchies as well as creative solutions.

Speaker Bio: 

Tina Harris is a senior lecturer in Anthropology and Co-Director of the Moving Matters research group at the University of Amsterdam. Her research focuses on cross-border mobility, infrastructure, and the movement of commodities. She is the author of Geographical Diversions: Tibetan Trade, Global Transactions (University of Georgia Press, 2013).

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