Combatting Grand Corruption: National & Global Responses

Monday November 25, 2024
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Join our speakers for an insightful discussion on corruption, where they will explore its impact on society and the steps we can take to tackle it.

Corruption is a major factor in many of the globe’s current dire refugee and security crises. Corrupt regimes are responsible for some of the worse human rights atrocities, including the forcible displacement of their citizens.  Many terroristic enterprises are financed almost entirely by corrupt economic enterprises, often connected to narcotics and other forms of smuggling.

Corrupt practices pervade all classes and castes, cripple institutions, destroy communities, and undermine the very structure of people’s lives. In even the most advanced nations, corruption is sapping their moral fibre. As the world turns to address major global problems like climate change, the loss of forests and biodiversity, and the warming of the earth’s oceans, corruption poses a significant threat to donor assistance and investment programs to promote sustainable development and ensure the planet’s survival.

Members of the World Refugee & Migration Council Task Force on Anti-Corruption will discuss what kinds of new governance innovations are required to tackle the scourge of corruption, drawing on the ongoing work of the Council to help establish an International Anti-Corruption Court, the Council’s work and support for new legislative initiatives in Canada and internationally to confiscate and repurpose the ill-gotten gains of those involved in major human rights abuses, and the findings of a new major study of the Council in collaboration with the American Academy of Arts & Sciences on Grand Corruption: Curbing Kleptocracy Globally.


  • Peter German, QC, PhD. He is the founder and principal of Peter German & Associates Inc., and the President of the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform at the University of British Columbia. He served as the RCMP’s Deputy Commissioner for Western and Northern Canada.
  • Fen Osler Hampson, FRSC. He is the President of the World Refugee & Migration Council and Chancellor’s Professor and Professor of International Affairs, Carleton University. He is the author/coauthor/editor of 48 books on international affairs, including, most recently, Grand Corruption: Curbing Kleptocracy Globally.
  • Allan Rock. A member of the WRMC and its Anti-Corruption Task Force, Mr. Rock is the former Minister of Justice & Attorney General of Canada, former Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations (New York), and the former President of the University of Ottawa.