Dr. Barbara Seed – What is a healthy and sustainable diet?

Wednesday April 5, 2017
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Join us for this UBC Future of Food global dialogue series talk on what makes up a healthy and sustainable diet with Dr. Barbara Seed.

April 5, 2017
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Policy Lab, Centre for Interactive Research Sustainability, UBC Vancouver campus

Barbara Seed

Is a healthy diet a sustainable diet?

Sustainable diets have the potential to unite nutrition, food systems, healthy ecosystems, and the challenge of zero hunger. Centering on the consumption aspect of the food system, Dr. Barbara Seed’s work examines evidence based recommendations for sustainable diets that promote both human and environmental health. This event will review how sustainable diets are defined and measured, how current sustainability recommendations have been translated into a handful of national dietary guidelines, and where recommendations can be incorporated into other levels of food policy.

When Dr. Barbara Seed was hired to develop the first dietary guidelines (food guide) in Qatar in 2013, she succeeded in making them one of the first in the world to include sustainability principles. Barbara is a Registered Dietitian with over 30 years of experience working in public health nutrition. In her work and volunteer capacities, she has straddled many sectors: government (national, provincial and municipal levels); civil society (anti-hunger and food system organizations) and academia (teaching, research, supervision and publishing). Barbara is currently working as a consultant in food and nutrition policy, focusing on integrating nutrition, food systems and the environment.


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This event is part of the UBC Future of Food Global Dialogue Series, a campus-wide initiative bringing together food security and sustainability experts from across the university and North America to regularly engage the UBC community and the public around the Global Food System, including topics such as climate change, food security, biodiversity, social justice, culture, and policy.

Find dates and details for upcoming events in the Event Calendar. Follow the discussion with #UBCFutureOfFood on Twitter.