Exploring the Prospects of Trilateral Cooperation Between Russia, South Korea and North Korea

Wednesday February 5, 2020
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Dr. Tamara Troyakova is Head of the International Studies Department in the Oriental Institute, School of Regional and International Studies, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia). She received her High Education Diploma in History from Leningrad State University and her Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in History from the Institute of General History, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Dr. Troyakova has worked as a researcher and lecturer in FEFU, Vladivostok. Her main research agenda focuses on the political and economic role of Russia’s Far Eastern region in Northeast Asia. Because of her expertise in the history and politics of the Russian Far East, Prof. Troyakova has been invited to speak at many conferences worldwide.

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