How Treaties are Approved and Concluded in Japan: From Negotiation to Execution

Thursday March 24, 2016
3:30 PM - 3:30 PM

There are various names that describe international agreements. What are they and how are they negotiated? Each country has its own practice and style in negotiating international agreements. How treaties are negotiated in Japan will be the focus in the first half followed by an explanation of how English texts are translated into Japanese texts for final Diet approval.

Deputy Consul General Uchida, a graduate of Meiji University, has three years working experience in a Japanese commercial bank. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1985 and studied at Lancaster University where he obtained his Diploma and Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies and International Relations. He served in overseas Embassies in UK and Malaysia, and at the Japanese Permanent Mission in Geneva. In Tokyo, he worked in the Treaty Bureau, WTO Dispute Settlement Division, and the Second North American Division. His previous post was Senior Deputy Director for EPA/FTA Negotiations at Second Middle East Division.