About the Speaker:
Dr. Yoshimi Shunya is a Professor of Sociology, Cultural Studies, and Media Studies. He is the author of many books on cultural theory, urban culture, international exposition, media culture, information technology, the emperor system, and Americanization in modern Japan and East Asia. He has been a leading scholar in the field of Media and Cultural Studies in contemporary Japan. He has been a visiting fellow of El Colegio de Mexico (1993), Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sciences Sociales (1998), University of Western Sydney (1999), and Queensland University (2000). He is a member of the executive committee of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (Routledge), editorial board of Cultural Studies (Routledge), associate editors of Theory, Culture & Society (Sage), and the editorial advisory board of Japanese Studies (Carfax Publishing). Publications in Japanese include Dramaturgy in the City: A Social History of Popular Entertainments in Modern Tokyo (Kobundo, 1987), The Politics of Exposition: Imperialism, Commercialism and Popular Entertainment (Chuokoronsha, 1992), Cultural Sociology in the Media Age (Shinyosha, 1994), Voice of Capitalism: The Social Construction of Telephone, Gramophone and Radio in Japan (Kodansha, 1995), Expo Syndrome: Postwar Politics and Cultural Struggle in Postwar Japan (Chikuma Shobo, 2005), Pro-America, Anti-America: Political Unconsciousness in Postwar Japan (Iwanami Shoten, 2007), etc. In the ITASIA program, Professor Yoshimi’s course responsibilities include “Introduction to Media and Communication in Asia” as well as “Attack Me!: Introduction to Cultural Studies in Japan.”