The Phil Lind Initiative: Linda Greenhouse

Thursday March 23, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM


The Phil Lind Initiative: (Un)civil Discourse
Linda Greenhouse | March 23, 2023 | 6:00 – 7:30 PM (PT) | Frederic Wood Theatre

The United States is polarized like never before. Accompanied by a high degree of negative partisanship and the unchecked spread of misinformation, political violence and uncivil discourse—the use of language which is insulting, contemptuous, and which knowingly misattributes the motives of others—is on the rise. Disillusioned, many Americans wish to restore civility. But how can a civil culture be reimagined in the current era?

This series not only explores some of the major factors fueling the rancor and divisiveness in American politics, but crucially it asks how can citizens and leaders find common ground across a range of political issues that divide them?

The 2023 Phil Lind Initiative series continues on March 23 with Linda Greenhouse— former Supreme Court correspondent for The New York Times, Pulitzer Prize recipient for her coverage of the Court, and senior researcher at Yale Law School. Read more here.

The Phil Lind Initiative is presented by UBC’s School of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the UBC Vancouver campus, with live streaming. Each event is open to the public and free to attend.