Sponsor: Centre for Chinese Research, Institute of Asian Research, UBC Equity and Inclusion Office Type: Discussion
*確認出席請務必註冊。註冊截止於3月4日(週三)中午12點。 RSVP is required to attend before the noon of March 4th, 2015: http://goo.gl/forms/TAlMVGLRlA 藉此元宵佳節到來之際,誠邀兩岸四地及海外華人學生 聽懂別人,聽懂自己。 傾聽、尊重、分享 Listen, Respect and Share 第四次對話的主題:傳統節日 Theme of the fourth Dialogue event: Traditional Festivals 形式:破冰遊戲,學生主導小組+大組討論-傳統節日如何影響我們對多元身份的探討 Format: Ice breaking game, Student-led small + big group discussion – How do traditional festivals shape our identities? 語言:你最為熟悉的語言(包含普通話/國語、粵語及英語) Use the language that you […]
This 5th Dialogue hosted by UBC Dialogue hopes to exchange ideas and provide a greater flow of communication between Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau by overseas students from those respective countries in regards to the change in terms of academic participation and freedom, and lifestyle that has come with living in and going […]