With Dr. Daniel Leese Professor of modern Chinese history and politics, University of Freiburg This talk will take recent debates on the legacies of the Cultural Revolution as a starting point to address the question of how the Chinese Communist Party dealt with injustices from the Mao era in the late 1970s and early 1980s […]
Dr. Jisoo M. Kim is Korea Foundation Associate Professor of History, International Affairs, and East Asian Languages and Literatures at the George Washington University. She is also Director of the GW Institute for Korean Studies. Her broader research interests include crime and justice, forensic medicine, the history of emotions, literary representations of the law, diglossia, the vernacular, […]
3:00-4:30 Public Talk and Discussion (Click here for RSVP) 4:30-5:30 Workshop, Pre-registration requested (Click here for RSVP) With Dr. Ryan Nichols (Full Professor, Department of Philosophy, California State University, Fullerton) and Dr. Edward Slingerland (Distinguished University Scholar | Professor of Asian Studies, UBC) Lecture topic: Ryan Nichols: Supernatural Agents and Prosociality in Historical China Edward Slingerland: Beyond Cherry-Picking: Using Large-Scale Text Analysis to Adjudicate Hermeneutical […]
Thursday, 4 April 2019, 12:00–13:45 pm Place of Many Trees (formerly the Multipurpose Room) Liu Institute for Global Issues, UBC 6476 NW Marine Dr., Vancouver Presentations and screenings begin @ 12:30 Free and open to the UBC community Light lunch will be provided for those who have registered by Wednesday, March 27. Come celebrate the […]
To learn more about this important aspect of the global Business and Human Rights agenda, join Simon Chorley, International Programs Manager at UNICEF Canada, in conversation with Dr. Priya Bala-Miller, Director of Partnerships and Program Development at CIRDI, on how these principles have been applied in the Mining Sector, and with what results.
The UBC Human Rights Collective (HRC) is hosting an in-person screening of the critically acclaimed film Courage (2021) as an expression of solidarity with wrongfully imprisoned Belarusian students.
Join us for a talk titled with Dawa Lokyitsang exploring how Asian Indigeneities complicate existing discourse on settler colonialism and imperialism.