Project Title: A Roadmap for ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment) in Ethiopia’s Mining Sector
Client: Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP), Ethiopia; Canadian International Resource and Development Institute (CIRDI)
Students: Melisha Charles, Denby McDonnell, Christopher Stoicheff, Joshua Tafel
Faculty Lead: Nadja Kunz
Fieldwork Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Year: 2019-20
Publications: A roadmap for ESIA policy change in Ethiopia should address wide-ranging governance reforms in the Journal of Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal
About the Project: Identifying gaps and opportunities for ESIA policy change in Ethiopia. Maximizing the benefits of mining development while minimizing negative impacts for the country is only possible with a strong ESIA policy framework. The outputs of this project were a policy report and a policy brief for CIRDI to use in their work advising the Ethiopian government.
Key Words: Social Impact, Energy, Governance