Project Title: Positioning the Issue of Child Marriage and Early Unions (CMEU) in Latin America and the Caribbean – The Case of UNICEF Dominican Republic
Client: UNICEF Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office
Students: Clara Renault, Condie Cantrell, Darby Walton, Norma Patiño Sánchez
Faculty Lead: Grace Jaramillo
Fieldwork Location: Dominican Republic
Year: 2022-23
About the Project: The project consists of documentation of strategies and challenges of the UNICEF Dominican Republic (DR) Country Office that contributed to positioning the issue of child marriages and early unions (CMEU) in the public and government agenda. The students analyzed the policy process and the roles of the most relevant stakeholders involved. The objective of the project is to support UNICEF DR in building its institutional memory and sharing learnings and best practices (of bringing the CMEU problem into the public and government agenda) with other programs in the Latin America and Caribbean region.
Key Words: Social Impact, Children, Knowledge Transfer