Responding to Climate Misinformation in Vancouver

Project Title: Responding to Climate Misinformation in Vancouver: Best Practices from Local Governments
Client: Department of Planning, Urban Design, and Sustainability, City of Vancouver
Students: Duo Pan, Xinyu Zhang, Nicolas Côté, Ian McAuliffe
Faculty Lead: Andrea Reimer
Fieldwork Location: Virtual – Vancouver, British Columbia
Year: 2022-23

About the Project: Through the Climate Emergency Action Plan, the City of Vancouver has set a bold climate target to cut carbon pollution in half by 2030. Implementing policies and programs to reach these climate targets requires building understanding and support from local residents, and, in some cases, clarifying misinformation. This research seeks to identify interventions the City could adopt to address misinformation and increase public understanding and support for evidence-based municipal climate solutions.

KeywordsClimate Change, Misinformation, Social Impact