Apply scientific rigour to climate change aid decisions, UBC academics argue

Apply scientific rigour to climate change aid decisions, UBC academics argue
Simon Donner, Liu Faculty Affiliate, UBC

Milind Kandlikar, Liu Faculty, UBC
Hisham Zerriffi, Liu Faculty, UBC
November 19, 2011

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Source: The Vancouver Sun, Saturday November 19, 2011, Page B3

As the world prepares to unleash $100-billion-a-year of climate change aid on the developing world, three academics at UBC have set the table for a rational discussion about how to spend the money.

In an article published in Science, Simon Donner, Milind Kandlikar and Hisham Zerriffi argue that the world must learn from the waste and misappropriation that has characterized much of the history of foreign aid and apply scientific standards to decision-making about project funding.

“In some cases rigorous, randomized control trials can test specific hypotheses about aid initiatives and policies,” writes Donner and his two colleagues.