CARE Conference Call for Student Posters – Apply by January 27th

The Climate Adaptation, Resilience and Empowerment (CARE) Program is a Franco-Canadian initiative bringing together the University of British Columbia, the University of Toronto, the University of Guelph and Sciences Po Paris. The CARE Program seeks to prepare and energize the next generation of global environmental leaders and citizens by providing them with the knowledge, skills and experience to generate hands-on solutions addressing the challenges of climate change. This initiative is made possible by funding from the Fondation DRG.

This year’s annual CARE Conference (‘Integrated Approaches to Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation’) will be hosted by the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario March 2 – 4, 2025.

This conference will bring together students and faculty from all four CARE partner institutions as well as experts from the public and private sectors to address topics related to the conference theme. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to attend panel discussions, engage in field experiences and network at social events in both Toronto and Guelph, Ontario. A limited number of spots are available for UBC graduate students (Master’s only) to attend this conference through participating in poster presentations.

Selected students will receive subsidized flights (to and from Toronto from Vancouver), accommodations in downtown Toronto, meals, as well as the costs of producing a research poster.

Interested students should complete and submit the application before Monday January 27th, 2025 at 11:59PM PST.

Any questions can be directed to Robyn Leuty at