An Enduring Problem: Radioactive Waste From Nuclear Energy

An Enduring Problem: Radioactive Waste From Nuclear Energy
Professor M. V. Ramana
February 16, 2017

M. V. Ramana, Simons Chair in Disarmament, Global and Human Affairs at the Liu Institute for Global Issues at UBC has published an article on nuclear waste in Proceedings of the IEEE.

Find the article here.


Decades after the idea was first proposed, it appears that underground repositories to manage radioactive spent fuel from commercial reactors are finally going to be constructed. In November 2015, the ruling center-right party in Finland became the first government to grant a construction license for such a repository [1]. The U.S. Department of Energy is pursuing a consent-based process to set up a similar repository. Do these developments mean that a long-sought solution to the problem of nuclear waste is imminent?

Published in: Proceedings of the IEEE (Volume: 105, Issue: 3, March 2017)