Against the backdrop of accumulating voter frustration towards established political parties, the 2020 Mongolian election sparks a surge of new candidates for parliament. SPPGA Associate Professor Julian Dierkes shares his insights on the unexpected shift in Mongolia’s political culture and the socioeconomic concerns in various media outlets.
Professor Dierkes will also be holding the event “Mongolia’s Election Results” over Zoom on Monday, June 29th at 8AM. This event will review the results, speculate on causes, take a look at incoming MPs, and discuss future implications. Please view the full event details and RSVP here.
June 25
Mongolia’s New Parliament: Familiar Party, Fresher Faces, The Diplomat
Regierungspartei gewinnt Wahl in Mongolei, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Mongolian People’s Party Retains Strong Parliament Majority, Star Tribune, New York Times (subscription), Washington Times, Nikkei Asian Review, The Star, Vancouver is Awesome, Tri-City News, MSN
June 24
Asia First, Channel News Asia (video)
Тахлын үеийн Монголын сонгууль ба дэлхийн хэвлэлүүд,
Die Mongolen trotzen allen Unwägbarkeiten und wählen ein neues Parlament, NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung
June 23
Mongolia’s Future as ‘Oasis of Democracy’ Put to Election Test, Bloomberg
June 22
Economic Concerns High as Mongolia Holds National Elections, New York Times
Can Mongolia’s Elections Shun Democratic Backsliding? East Asia Forum