MPPGA Co-Director Yves Tiberghien with the Institute of Asian Research (IAR) at UBC organized a major summit, Vision 20: International Summit on Global Governance’s New Frontiers, in Hangzhou, China in March 2016. MPPGA student Chad Rickaby and other UBC graduate students, faculty and members of a global coalition of policy schools and think tanks participated in the summit that focused on the question of improving global governance and addressing systemic risk. Learn more about the Summit on the IAR website. Chad reflects upon his experience below:
“As an aspiring young policy student, having the opportunity to be a part of real life policy making while in China was a life-changing experience. Being surrounded by some of the brightest academics and policy practitioners in the world was incredibly valuable.
The panels were full of lively and insightful discussion, but the chance to meet the panellists and hear their expert international perspectives on global policy issues as well as build my global networks with them may have been even more valuable. The opportunity to connect with, and learn from, the incredible experiences and wisdom of the bright minds in attendance is unforgettable.
I am truly grateful for the opportunity to get a look inside the “sausage” that is the global public policy making process and it will surely serve as a foundational experience as I move forward in my career in global public policy.”
~ Chad Rickaby, MPPGA Candidate, VP of Student Development, MPPGA Executive Council
Visit his Linkedin profile.
UBC students and faculty members attending the Vision 20: International Summit on Global Governance’s New Frontiers in Hangzhou, China in
March 2016. Chad Rickaby is third from right.
UBC students co-creating outcomes at the Vision 20: International Summit on Global Governance’s New Frontiers in Hangzhou, China. Chad Rickaby is on the far right.