The new Memory and Justice Research Stream offers graduate courses and learning opportunities for students interested in interdisciplinary research with a focus on memory and justice in the aftermath of mass violence, including war, atrocity, genocide, disaster, forced displacement, colonialism and slavery.
Learn more from Professor Erin Baines (School of Public Policy and Global Affairs) and Professor Pilar Riaño-Alcalá (Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice).
- GRSJ 500 Intersectional Issues in Social Justice and Equality Studies
- GRSJ 501 Issues in Decolonizing and Feminist Methodologies
- GRSJ 502 Issues in Gender, Sexuality, and Critical Race Theories
Plus one or more of the following:
- GRSJ 511(3)/GPP 591H Difficult Knowledge: Ethics and Praxis of Research in Challenging Settings
- GRSJ 503 Special Topics: Historical Memory and Social Reconstruction
- GPP 591B/POLI 564C Gender and Security
- POLI564B/GRSJ 503 Transformative Justice [not offered in 2019W]
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