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- Aljazeera News
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- allard law
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- american ethnologist
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- anne murphy
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- Arthur Zhang
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- Asahi Shimbun
- asia
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- Asia Nikkei Review
- asia pacific
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- Asian
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- BC First Nations Energy and Mining Council
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- Beyond Nuclear International
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- BIV News
- Bloomberg
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- BMC Health Services Research
- BMJ Global Health
- BNN Bloomberg
- Bo Wang
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- book
- book prize
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- Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists
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- burnaby now
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- Canada's National Observer
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- Canadian International Council
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
- Canadian Press
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- Carbon Tax
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- case competition
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- Cassandra Jeffrey
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- centre for india and south asia research
- Centre for International Governance Innovation
- Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
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- Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions
- Cesi Cruz
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- change
- change maker
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- china dialogue
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- economy
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- Energy Intelligence
- Energy Monitor
- Engineering News
- Ensia
- Entrepreneurship at UBC
- Environment
- Environmental Working Group
- environmentalist
- Epoch Times
- Erica Steele
- Erin Baines
- Eseohe Ojo
- Esther Ocheni
- EUobserver
- Euronews
- European Supermarket Magazine
- Evans
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- faculty
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- Fairchild TV
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- funding
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- gender inequality
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- Ghanaian Times
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- global agreement
- global climate strike
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- Global News
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- Global News Radio
- global policy
- Global Policy Project
- Global Reporting Centre
- Global Solutions Initiative Foundation
- Global Summitry Project
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- Gordon Longmuir
- Gorilla Radio
- governance
- gp2
- Graduate Program Director
- graduates
- graduation
- Green Tech Media
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- Greenpeace
- Greenpeace Unearthed
- Grist
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- Hakai Magazine
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- Health Affairs
- Heidi Tworek
- Helsingin Sanomat
- High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
- Highgrade Media Production
- Himalaya Program
- Hokkaido Shimbun
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- Hong Kong International Business Channel
- Huawei
- Huffington Post
- Hugh Gusterson
- Hugo Tang
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- Hyung-Gu Lynn
- IAR Fellow
- IAR Fellows
- IB Times
- IDN-InDepthNews
- IEEE Spectrum
- iHeartRadio
- Ilan Vertinsky
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- InDepthNews
- india
- India Forum
- India Today
- Indian Express
- Indigenous
- inequality
- inflation
- Information Age Publishing
- Innovation UBC
- Institute for Future Legislators
- Institute for Peace & Democracy
- Institute for Research on Public Policy
- Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
- institute of asian research
- Intelligencer
- Inter Press Service
- Inter Press Service News Agency
- international
- International Journal on World Peace
- interview
- InvestigateWest
- iPolitics
- IPS Inter Press Service
- IPS News
- IPS News Agency
- Isabella Pepe
- Israa Noureddine
- Italian Institute for International Political Studies
- Jack Austin
- Japan
- Japan Times
- Jeehye Kim
- Jemimah Ogundele
- Jessica Main
- jill abramson
- Jocelyn Fraser
- John Ede
- John Wood
- Jon McComb
- JoongAng Ilbo
- Jorge Andrés Delgado-Ron
- Joseph Caron
- joseph stiglitz
- Josephine Chiu-Duke
- Josh Tafel
- joshua
- Joshua Tafel
- Journal Article
- Journal de Montreal
- Journal of Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal
- Journal of Peasant Studies
- journalism
- Julian Dierkes
- Juliet Lu
- Jurist
- Justin Kwan
- Kai
- kai ostwald
- Kai Otswald
- Karen Wong
- Kelly Cutrara
- Kelowna Capital News
- Kelowna Now
- Ketty Anyeko
- Killam
- Killam Fellowship
- Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Kingsley Eze
- Kiran Alwani
- Knowledge Exchange
- Kristen Hopewell
- Kristi Kenyon
- Kshitij Sharan
- KUER 90.1
- Kyung-Ae Park
- La Press
- LA Times
- Lauren Borja
- Lauren J. Borja
- Law Bytes Podcast
- Lawfare
- Le Devoir
- Le Monde
- leadership
- Leading
- Leo Shin
- liberal government
- Lightsondata
- lind initiative
- Lindah Ddamba
- Lindsey Wall
- Lisa Slager
- Liu Institute for Global Issues
- Liu Scholar
- Liu Scholars
- Living on Earth
- Lotus Ruan
- Lowy Institute
- Luthfi Dhofier
- M.V. Ramana
- Macleans
- Maclean's Magazine
- Mail and Guardian
- Mandakranta Bose
- Manimugdha S. Sharma
- Maple Ridge News
- Marine Policy
- Marjo Vierros
- Mark Turin
- Market Research Telecast
- Matias Margulis
- Matthew Colenbrander
- Maverick Citizen
- Max Cameron
- Maxwell Cameron
- McGill Research Network on Women Peace and Security
- Medal
- Mediapart
- Melisha Charles
- Melissa Hollobon
- Mendee Jargalsaikhan
- Meng Wanzhou
- Midland Today
- Milind Kandlikar
- Millennium Post
- Minderoo Foundation
- ming pao
- Mingpao
- mining
- MIT Press Direct
- mitacs
- Modern Ghana
- Mohamed Zayani
- Mohammed Rafi Arefin
- Mongabay
- Mongolia
- Mongolia Focus
- Montreal Gazette
- Mother Jones
- Moura
- Moura Quayle
- Moysal Sana
- mppga
- mppga alumni
- mppga graduates
- MPPGA Graduation
- MPPGA Student
- Muhialdin Bakini
- Muhialdin Nyera Bakini
- MV Ramana
- Nabila Farid
- Nadja Kunz
- Narayanan (Hari) GL
- NASA Earthdata
- Nasdaq
- Natasha Thambirajah
- Nathan Bennett
- Nathan J. Bennett
- Nation
- National Geographic
- National Observer
- National Post
- Nature
- Nature Human Behaviour
- Nature News
- Nature Portfolio
- Nature Sustainability
- Navin Ramankutty
- navin ramnkutty
- NB Media Co-op
- nehru award
- Neila Miled
- Nepal
- Nepali Times
- New Bloom
- New Books Network
- New Food Magazine
- New Frame
- New West Record
- New York Daily News
- New York Times
- News 1130
- Die Mongo
- News Talk 980 CKNW
- News18
- Newstalk
- Nicholas Lloyd-Kuzik
- Nicolas Jensen
- Nicole So
- Nidhi Sharma
- Nikkei Asia
- Nikkei Asian Review
- NK News
- North Shore News
- nuclear
- Nuclear Energy
- Nuclear Weapons
- NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung
- ocean resources
- ocean science
- Ocean Sustain
- Oceana
- Öko-Institut e.V.
- Oliver Zhang
- Omer Aijazi
- OMNI Television
- On the Coast
- open canada
- OpenGlobalRights
- Options Community Services
- Orkhon Gantogtokh
- Ottawa
- Ottawa Citizen
- Oxford University Press
- Paige Inglis
- Paige Rumelt
- Panthea Pourmalek
- Paris Agreement
- Parliament of Canada
- Paul
- Paul Evans
- Payne Institute for Public Policy
- Pearls and Irritations
- Perspectives on Politics
- Peru
- Peter Wall Institute
- pharmaceutical
- Phil Calvert
- Phil Lind
- Phil Lind Initiative
- Philippe Le Billon
- Physics World
- Pipal ko Bot
- Pipeline
- Pitman Potter
- podcast
- policy
- Policy Options
- Policy Perspectives
- policy studio
- Political and Legal Anthropology Review
- Politico
- Politics Today
- POWER Magazine
- Practitioner Fellow
- Prajna Singh
- pressenza
- Prince George Citizen
- Prince George Matters
- Professor Ramana
- Program on Emerging Issues in Sino-Canadian Relations
- Project Syndicate
- Propublica
- Pub Poli
- public
- public policy forum
- PubPoli
- Quartz
- Quayle
- Radio Canada
- Radio Free Asia
- Radio West
- radioactive waste
- Ramana
- Rankings
- Raphael
- Raphaël Deberdt
- Raphael Roman
- Rappler
- Rashid Sumaila
- RAVEN Rural Actions and Voices for the Environment
- Ravina Anand
- Reaching Critical Will
- Reagan Rockzsfforde
- refugee
- Regina Leader-Post
- relationship
- research
- ResearchGate
- Resources
- Reuters
- Reuters (Canada)
- Reuters (India)
- Reuters (US)
- Reuters (US) Yahoo (US)
- Review of International Political Economy
- Richard Paisley
- Richmond News
- Rising BRICSAM
- Riya Sirkhell
- Ross King
- Roundhouse Radio
- roundtable
- Routledge
- Ryerson University
- Sabah Haque
- Sage Journals
- salmon
- Sandeep Pai
- santa ono
- Santa's Blog
- Sapiens
- Sara Nelson
- Sara Shneiderman
- Sarah Froese
- Savannah Tuck
- scholarship
- Schyler Edmundson
- Science
- Science Advances
- Science direct
- Science Magazine
- Science The Wire
- ScienceDaily
- Scientific American
- SDGs
- Seafood Source
- SeafoodSource
- Security
- SFU Digital Publishing
- Shafaq Noorani
- Sheryl Lightfoot
- Simons Award
- Simplecast
- Sing Tao Daily
- Singapore
- Smithsonian Magazine
- Social Science Baha
- Social Science Research Council
- Social Sciences in China Press
- Solomon Atta
- Sonia Takhar
- Soumya Kolluru
- South China Morning Post
- south china sea
- south east asia
- S&P Global Market Intelligence
- Springer
- Springer Open
- Sputnik
- Sputnik International
- Sputnik News
- sshrc
- Star Phoenix
- Star Tribune
- STAT News
- Stephanie Martel
- Stephen Patenaude
- Stiglitz
- stock market
- Stockholm Resilience Centre
- Strategic Design Workshop
- strategy
- student
- students
- Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
- Sumaiyyah Adam
- Summer Institute for Future Legislators
- Sun Ryung Park
- Surrey Now-Leader
- Sustainability
- Sustainable Mongol
- SXM Canada Talks
- symposium
- Ta Kung Pao
- Talent Vision
- Talentvision
- Tara Cookson
- Tasha Carruthers
- Taylor Owen
- Tebogo Leepile
- Technology
- telegraph
- Telegraph-Journal
- Temitope Onifade
- The Associated Press
- The Bulletin
- The Canadian Press
- The Centre for International Governance Innovation
- The Climate Examiner
- The Conversation
- The Dialogue
- The Diplomat
- The Diplomat Magazine
- The Early Edition
- The Economic Times
- The Economist
- The Federal
- The Fiji Times
- The Financial Post
- The Georgia Straight
- The Globe and Mail
- The Guardian
- The Guardian Nigeria
- The High Seas Podcast
- The Hill Times
- The Hindu
- The Independent
- The India Forum
- The India Fourm
- The Institute for Peace and Diplomacy
- The Intercept
- The Jakarta Post
- The Jefferson Exchange
- The Jill Bennett Show
- The Jon McComb Show
- The Jordan Times
- The Logic
- The Long Now Foundation
- The Lynda Steele Show
- The Manila Times
- The Mike Smyth Show
- The Narwhal
- The National. CBC News
- The New Republic
- The New York Times
- The Ottawa Citizen
- The Ottawa Post
- The Paper
- The Province
- The Pub
- The Salt Lake Tribune
- The Shift
- The Source
- The Spinoff
- The Star
- The Star Vancouver
- The Times of India
- The Toronto Star
- The Tribune
- The Tyee
- The Ubyssey
- The Vancouver Sun
- The Wall Street Journal
- The Walrus
- The Washington Post
- The Washington Quarterly
- The Wilson Center
- The Wire
- The Wire China
- The Wire Science
- Thompson Reuters Foundation
- Thomson Reuters
- Tibet
- Tim Cheek
- Times Colonist
- Times Higher Education
- Times of Malta
- Timothy Brook
- Timothy Cheek
- Today Online
- Tommy Koh
- toronto star
- Toronto Sun
- Toynbee Prize Foundation
- Tracy Ly
- trade
- trade deals
- trans pacific partnership
- Tri-City News
- Tsering Shakya
- Tyler Prize
- UBC Centre for Migration Studies
- UBC Community Engagement
- UBC International Student Development
- UBC Migration
- UBC News
- UBC Today
- Ubyssey
- UC
- UN
- UN Human Rights
- UN Women
- Undercurrent News
- united nations
- Universal Rights Group
- University Climate Change Coalition
- University of Toronto Press
- University of Washington Press
- Urdu Point
- UrduPoint
- US News & World Report
- USA Today
- Utility Dive
- V20
- Vancouver
- Vancouver Courier
- Vancouver is Awesome
- Vancouver Star
- Vancouver Sun
- Veena Sriram
- Vice Canada
- Victoria Ker
- Victoria News
- vietnam
- Vina Nadjibulla
- Vincent Ialenti
- Vision20
- VOA Korea
- Voice of America
- Vox
- Wahid Palash
- Wall Street Journal
- Washington Post
- Water
- Watershed Sentinel
- wbur
- Wenran Jiang
- Wiley
- Will Shelling
- William Shelling
- Wilson Dargbeh
- Windsor Star
- Winnipeg Free Press
- Women in House
- World Economic Forum
- World Nuclear Report
- World Politics Review
- World Trade Organization
- WyoFile
- Xiaojun Li
- xinjiang
- Y-Dang Troeung
- Yahoo
- Yahoo (India)
- Yahoo News
- Yale Environment 360
- Yale Fox Fellows
- Younus Mushtaq Ahmed
- Yuen Pau Woo
- Yusof Ishak Institute
- Yves Tiberghien
- Zameena Dadani
- Zia Mehrabi
- Zolima Citymag
- Zorigtkhuu Bat-Erdene
- 2025
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 1999
- 1997
20 of 2973 results
Research & Impact
Myanmar Initiative Hosts Emerging Scholars and Young Leaders Workshop
July 4, 2024

Announcements, Research & Impact
Dr. Pitman Potter Appointed to the Order of Canada
January 27, 2023

Faculty, Media Engagement
Prof. Rashid Sumaila: Can Wild and Farmed Fish Co-Exist?
November 23, 2022

Faculty, Media Engagement
Prof. Maxwell Cameron: The Americas After American Hegemony
August 9, 2022

Faculty, Publications
Policy Matters 22 - Special Issue on Environmental Defenders
September 5, 2021

Is Covid-19 Frustrating or Facilitating Sustainability Transformations?
August 17, 2021

Faculty, Media Engagement
Province Shifting Vax Strategy to Reach Those Without a Dose
July 27, 2021

Faculty, Media Engagement
Khurelsukh Cruises to Victory in Mongolian Presidential Race
June 10, 2021

Media Engagement, Publications
The Time and Space for Earthly Reckoning Is Here and Now
May 24, 2021

Faculty, Media Engagement
WTO Deal 'Doable' to Stop Subsidies That Lead to Over-Fishing
May 11, 2021

Faculty, Media Engagement
Why We Need to Change the Narrative on Outdoor Transmission
April 13, 2021

Faculty, Publications
More Nuclear Reactors (SMRs): A Bad Investment for New Brunswick
April 4, 2021

Faculty, Media Engagement
Manitoba Campaign Aims to Combat COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy
March 17, 2021

Faculty, Media Engagement, Research & Impact
What is Happening in the South China Sea?
March 1, 2021

Faculty, Media Engagement, Publications
Federal Nuclear Power Plan is a Pipe Dream
December 31, 2020

Announcements, Faculty
Professor Paul Evans Appointed HSBC Chair in Asian Research
December 18, 2020

Faculty, Media Engagement
Feds Need to Flex Creative Muscles in Pandemic Messaging
November 27, 2020

Publications, Research & Impact
An Assessment of 50 Years of Canada-China Relations
November 9, 2020

Announcements, Research & Impact
The Launch of The Xinjiang Documentation Project
September 21, 2020

Media Engagement
Fisheries Subsidies Fuel Ocean Depletion and Hurt Coastal Communities
July 23, 2020

Canada Must Boost Its Foreign Aid to Combat a COVID-19 Humanitarian Crisis
May 27, 2020

Media Engagement
Canada Stays Quiet as China’s Handling Of COVID-19 Comes Under Scrutiny
May 7, 2020

Media Engagement
The Sea Is Running Out of Fish, Despite Nations’ Pledges to Stop It
October 8, 2019

Media Engagement
Trudeau’s Brownface Mistake Could Cost Him in B.C. Swing Ridings
September 19, 2019

Media Engagement
Personal Feud Turns Public as Singapore PM’s Brother Backs Opposition
July 29, 2019

Faculty, Research & Impact
Transformative Memory Partnership: An International Network
June 20, 2019

Media Engagement
Banning Fuel Imports Wouldn't Help Environment or Economy, Experts Say
May 31, 2019

2019 Brookings-VISION20 Workshop on Beyond Neoliberalism in Emerging Markets
April 22, 2019

Media Engagement
The U.S. Is Eager to Sell Nuclear Reactors to Saudi Arabia. But Why?
April 17, 2019

Media Engagement
Wenran Jiang on the Schellenberg Arrest and China-Canada Relations
January 17, 2019

Publications, Research & Impact
How to Conserve Half the Planet Without Going Hungry
August 16, 2018

Media Engagement
Interview with Professor Taylor Owen: Is it time to #DeleteFacebook?
March 21, 2018

GPP 591 Lind Initiative Seminar: The Unravelling of the Liberal Order
October 31, 2017

Media Engagement
Insights on BC joining legal fights against Trans Mountain Pipeline
August 15, 2017

Media Engagement
On Comments from Chinese entrepreneur on America's 'Wasted' Wealth
January 26, 2017

Media Engagement
What Hong Kong's 'watershed' political moment means for Vancouver
November 16, 2016

Media Engagement
B.C.’s foreign-buyer tax could help China fight corruption: ex-envoy
August 1, 2016

Media Engagement
Chinese Envoy Warns Airing Human-Rights Issues a Threat to Closer Ties
June 5, 2016

Digital Diplomacy: How is the Canadian government faring on social media?
February 11, 2016

Media Engagement
Five key issues that should be on the table for Obama-Xi meeting
September 24, 2015

Media Engagement
Optimistic environmentalist David Boyd forecasts a far greener future
July 31, 2015

Round Table Discussion on AIIB and Reform of Global Economic Governance
April 30, 2015

Research & Impact
Wars of Plunder: Conflicts, Profits and the Politics of Resources
January 17, 2012

Research & Impact
Improved stoves in India: A study of sustainable business models
November 24, 2011