The School of Public Policy and Global Affairs (SPPGA) welcomes Wahid Palash as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working with Nadja Kunz, Assistant Professor jointly appointed with SPPGA and the Norman B Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering and Canada Research Chair in Mine Water Management and Stewardship (NSERC, Tier 2). At SPPGA, he will focus on two main research questions:
a) What are the water management vulnerabilities and risks associated with different water use sectors at present and in future climate extremes?
b) What are the hydrological responses to the disturbances caused by increased water demand, poor engineering solutions, natural variability and evolving climate forcing on watershed, regional, and global scale?

Wahid Palash, SPPGA Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Wahid completed his Ph.D. in Hydrology from Tufts University, Boston, USA, a M.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering from Katholieke University Leuven, Belgium, and a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
He has over 20 years of experience in research and industry in Asia, Europe, and North America. For instance, before joining at UBC, Wahid worked as a Research Scientist in an international project of Tufts University, a Consulting Hydrologist and Water Resources Specialist at a number of international water companies and research organizations in Asia and Europe, and as an Associate Specialist in Hydroinformatics in Bangladesh. His research has been published in J. Hydrometeorology, J. Hydrology, Frontiers in Water, Climate Change, J. Water Resources Planning and Management, Advances in Meteorology, Agricultural Water Management, among others.
He is excited to pursue his research in water and climate risk assessment, climate change impacts and community adaptation in the mining and extractives sector with Prof. Nadja. He can be reached at
Prof. Kunz writes: “I’m thrilled to have Dr. Palash join us at SPPGA. He brings a wealth of international experience as a hydrologist and water resource specialist across both academe and practice, including in the US, Europe, and Asia (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Philippines). Our work will investigate the increased water-related risks to the mining sector under a changing climate. His global perspective and strong analytical skills also create exciting opportunities for new collaborative projects with other SPPGA colleagues.