Yves Tiberghien

Director, Centre for Japanese Research, IAR; Konwakai Chair
phone 604-822-4688
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Yves Tiberghien (Ph.D. Stanford University, 2002; Harvard Academy Scholar 2006; Fulbright Scholar 1996) is a Professor of Political Science, Director Emeritus of the Institute of Asian Research (IAR), Faculty Associate with the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs and Co-Director of the Center for Japanese Research (CJR). He is also the Konwakai Chair in Japanese Research at the IAR.

Yves is also Distinguished Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada and at the University of Alberta’s China Institute. He serves as the International Steering Committee Member representing Canada at Pacific Trade and Development Conference (PAFTAD). In November 2017, he was made a Chevalier de l’ordre national du mérite by the French President.

In 2014-2016, Yves served as Co-Director of the UBC Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs (MPPGA), which he founded as Chair of the UBC Public Policy Curriculum Committee in 2014.

He is a regular visiting professor at Tokyo University and at Sciences Po Paris. He has held other visiting positions at National Chengchi University (NCCU, Taipei), GRIPS (Tokyo), and the Jakarta School of Public Policy.

Yves’ research specializes in East Asian comparative political economy, international political economy, and global economic and environmental governance, with an empirical focus on China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and Europe.

His books include The East Asian Covid-19 Paradox (2021, Elements in Politics and Society in East Asia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea (2007, Cornell University Press in the Political Economy Series directed by Peter Katzenstein); L’Asie et le futur du monde, Paris: Science Po Press, 2012; and Leadership in Global Institution-Building: Minerva’s Rule, edited volume, Palgrave McMillan, 2013. In 2020, he edited an online collection of papers on Japan’s leadership in the Liberal International Order. He has published many articles and book chapters on the Japan’s and China’s political economy, on global governance, global climate change politics, and on the governance of agricultural biotechnology in China and Japan.

Dr. Tiberghien’s current research focuses on the ongoing transition in the global economic and environmental order, in the face of new systemic risks, a changing balance of power, and the rise of populist political forces. He is also currently working on articles on China’s role in global and regional governance and three books: Up for Grabs: Disruption, Competition, and the Remaking of the Global Economic Order; Navigating the Age of Disruption: Understanding Canada’s Options in a Shifting Global Order; and Geopolitics in East Asia: Response to COVID-19.

Dr. Tiberghien founded the Vision 20 group in 2015, a new coalition of global scholars and policy-makers aiming at providing a long-term perspective on the challenges of global economic and environmental governance. The V20 held six summits (Hangzhou, 2016, Buenos Aires 2018, Tokyo 2018, and Washington DC, 2017, 2018, 2019).



Research Excellence

Professor Tiberghien has made significant contributions to our understanding of economic and environmental governance in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, ASEAN) and of global economic governance. These include an understanding of innovative policies, reforms, and institutions that can be of use for Canada and beyond. Tiberghien has been awarded two major SSHRC grants and several other grants for this work. Tiberghien was also awarded a Harvard Academy Fellowship (and related life-long distinction) in 2004-2006.

Tiberghien’s research has also focused on institutional innovations in global economic and environmental governance; in this work, he has been tracking global systemic risks, emerging solutions and institutions to address those, and the role that Canada can play to be positioned at the core of future global institutions. In this work, Tiberghien is part of a large global research network as a Senior Fellow with the Global Summitry Project of the Munk School (University of Toronto). Tiberghien has been awarded two major SSHRC grants (2009 on China and the management of globalization; and 2004 on the global governance of Genetically Modified Foods) and several other grants for this work on global governance. Tiberghien was awarded an East Asia Institute (EAI) fellowship in 2010-2011, with visiting research positions at Fudan University, Peking University, Keio University, Taiwan National University, and the East Asia Institute.

Tiberghien has completed four major research projects:1) on financial globalization and corporate governance reforms with funding from SSHRC and the Harvard Academy – leading to a major Cornell University Press book and scores of articles and chapters; 2) on climate change politics, funded by the Weyerhauser Foundation, leading to two major articles, and several book chapters and articles; 3) on global institutional innovation with funding from Japan Foundation and the EU Commission, leading to an edited book published by Palgrave; 4) on the competitive regulation of agriculture biotechnology, funded by SSHRC, leading to scores of articles, chapters, and conferences. He is nearing completion of a fifth research project (funded by SSHRC) on the role of China and emerging powers in global governance, leading to two major books published in France (Sciences-Po press), China (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, March 2015), articles, and one further book in process.

Tiberghien also maintains active individual research partnerships with the following universities and scholars:

  1. Research Partnership with L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France), Waseda (Japan), Oxford (UK), Free University Berlin (Germany), Stanford University (US), and UBC/IAR. The network is supported by a French Marie Curie Fellowship and Japanese government funding, in addition to an endowment at IAR. Workshops have taken place in Waseda (2013) and at UBC (Fall 2014). A subsequent workshop around a book project is scheduled in June 2015.
  2. Policy School Network (including research cooperation): He has been actively engaged with the seven schools of the Global Public Policy Network (GPPN, see gppn.net). This is driven by the needs of the public policy program at UBC. Tiberghien has attended the GPPN annual meeting and associated research conference in 2012, 2012, and 2013. He served as a visiting professor at two of the schools (Sciences Po and Tokyo University), teaching the core course on global governance. The 7 partners of the GPPN are: Sciences-Po, London School of Economics and Political Science, National University of Singapore, Todai, Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, as well as Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, Foundation Vargas in Brazil.
  3. At Tokyo University, Tiberghien has been working closely on systemic risk governance, including through the holding a joint workshop in Tokyo in July 2014.
  4. Cooperation with Sciences Po has included joint seminars and the publication of book on Asia and global governance with Sciences Po Press (2012).
  5. Tiberghien has a core research partnership with Prof. Wang Yong at Peking University- they are co- authors, working on a joint book and a collaborative set of articles.
  6. Tiberghien has a long-standing research partnership with Professor Xue Dayuan at Minzu University in Beijing (Chair of the Biodiversity Research Center and Chief Scientist on Biodiversity at the Ministry of Environmental Protection). They are working on a joint project on the comparative governance of biodiversity.
  7. Tiberghien has a long-standing research relation with Professor Gao Qiqi at East China University of Political Science and Law. They are working on a set of common global governance indicators.
  8. As part of the work to establish a dual degree with Fudan University, Tiberghien has worked with Fudan on a joint workshop on governance in China. One article co-authored by Tiberghien and one of his graduate students is under review with the journal Governance.


Forthcoming:  Tiberghien, Yves. The Political Economy of East Asia: Regional Transformation and Global Impact. London and New York: Palgrave McMillan (Under contract/ forthcoming)

Tiberghien, Yves. 公民丛书 : 亚洲与世界未来 (Gong min cong shu : ya zhou yu shi jie wei lai ; Series of Citizen of the World : Asia and the Future of the World).Beijing: 社会科学文献出版社 (she hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she ; Social Sciences Academic Press China)
Translation of 2012 Book (L’Asie et le Futur du Monde with 25% updates and expansion from original).

Tiberghien, Yves, ed. Leadership in Global Institution Building: Minerva’s Rule. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics Series. London and New York: Palgrave McMillan.

L’Asie, le G20, et le future du Monde. Paris: Presses de Science Po. Collection Nouveaux Débats.

Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea. A volume in the series: Cornell Studies in Political Economy edited

Books in Progress:
China’s Role in Global Governance: G20, Climate Change, and Food Security

The Global Battle over the Governance of Genetically-Engineered Food.

Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed):
Tiberghien, Yves. “An Uncertain World: Rising Powers, Systemic Risk, and the Role of Institutions and Entrepreneurship: a Response to Brantly Womack’s ‘China’s Future in a Multinodal Order.” Pacific Affairs. Volume 87, No. 2. June 2014.

Tiberghien, Yves and Niall Dugan. “Existing and Emerging Powers in the G20: the Case of East Asia.” Asien, the German Journal on Contemporary Asia. July (No 128). Pp 28-44.

Tiberghien, Yves and Hongcai Xu. “The G20’s Role in the Reform of the International Monetary System: Present Record, Potential, and Scenarios.” Global Summitry Journal. Vol1. Issue 1. June. http://globalsummitry.org/gsj/vol1/iss1/6/

“La Chine face au grand jeu du G20 et de la gouvernance mondiale.” Revue Internationale de Politique Comparee. Vol 18 (3). Pp. 95-122.

“The political Consequences of Inequality in Japan,” Shakai Kagaku Kenkyu (Social Science Research). Issue 62-1. February. (pp. 77-99). Tokyo: Tokyo University.

“The Puzzling 2010 Diaoyutai/Senkaku Crisis:Centrifugal Domestic Politics, Shifting Balance of Power, and Weak Regional Institutionalization.” Harvard Asia Quarterly. Special Issue on Maritime Asia. Harvard University: Harvard Asia Center. Winter 2010. Volume XII, No. 3 & 4. Pp 70-78.

“The Global Governance of Biotechnology: Mediating Chinese and Canadian Interests.” CIC China Papers. No. 13. July.

“Transitional Competitive Governance and Agenda-Setting in the EU: the Battle over the Regulation of GMOs since the mid-1990s.” Journal of European Integration. Vol. 31, No. 3, 389–407, May 2009.

“High Noon in Japan: Kyoto Protocol Politics and the Power of a Symbol (Yves Tiberghien and Miranda Schreurs). Global Environmental Politics. 7:4 (November). Pp. 70-91.

“Multi-Level: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change
Mitigation” (Miranda Schreurs and Yves Tiberghien). Global Environmental Politics. 7:4 (November). Pp. 19-46.

“Idéologie néolibérale et entreprenariat politique au Japon (Neo-Liberal Ideology and Political Entrepreneurship in Japan). ” Critique Internationale. 32 (Juillet-Septembre 2006): 153 – 171.

“The Battle for the Global Governance of Genetically Modified Organisms: the Roles of the European Union, Japan, Korea, and China in a Comparative Context, Les Etudes du CERI, Number 124 (April), Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris.

“Roundtable on Richard J.Samuels, Machiavelli’s Children: Leaders and their Legacies in Italy and Japan”, with T.J. Pempel, Sheldon Garon, Junko Kato, and Richard J. Samuels, Journal of East Asian Studies, 6, pp. 1-29.

“Navigating the Path of Least Resistance: Financial Deregulation and the Origins of the Japanese Crisis”, Journal of East Asian Studies, 5, pp. 427-464

“State Mediation of Global Financial Forces: Different Paths of Structural Reforms in Japan and South Korea.” Journal of East Asian Studies. Summer 2002. 2(2):103-141.

Journal Articles in Progress:
“G20 and Credible Commitments: the Preferences and Actions of the US, Europe, China, and Japan in 2008-2012.”

“Norms Entrepreneurs and Agenda-Setting in Japan: the Struggle over the Governance of Genetically-Engineered Food.”

“Representation without Institution: The Surprising Outcome of the Conflict of Genetically-Modified Food in China.” (with Li Guo)

“What does China Expect from Global Economic and Environmental Governance? WTO, G20, GMOs, and Climate Change in a Broader Perspective”.

Book Chapters Published and Under Review
Ohta Hiroshi and Yves Tiberghien, “Saving the Kyoto Protocol: what can we learn from the experience of Japan-EU cooperation?” in Bacon, Paul, Hartmut Mayer, and Hidetoshi Nakamura eds. 2015.

The European Union and Japan: a New Chapter in Civilian Power Cooperation? Ashgate. April.

Tiberghien, Yves. “Thirty Years of Neo-Liberal Reforms in Japan” in S. Lechevalier (ed.) The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism, London: Routledge. February. Pp. 26-55.

Tiberghien, Yves. “Election Surprise: Abenomics and Central Bank Independence Trump Nationalism and Fukushima” in Pekkanen, Robert, Steven Reed, and Ethan Scheiner, eds. Japan Decides 2012: the Japanese General Election. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=684422). Pp. 195-200.

“The Global Economic Crisis and Politics of Regime Change in Japan” in Nancy Bermeo, and Jonas Pontusson, eds. Coping with Crisis: Government Reactions to the Great Recession. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Pp. 261-286.

“The global battle over the governance of agricultural biotechnology: the roles of Japan, Korea, and China” in Howlett, Michael and David Laycock, eds. Regulating Next Generation Agri-Food Biotechnologies: Lessons from European, North American and Asian Experiences. London: Routledge (series: Genetics and Society), pp. 111-125.

“The Global Governance of Biotechnology: Mediating Chinese and Canadian Interests.” Chapter 19 in Pitman B. Potter and Thomas Adams, eds. Issues in Canada-China Relations.” Toronto: Canada International Council. Pp. 320-332.

“Chapter 4: Kakusa mondai to seito tairitsu (the impact of inequality on party politics)” in Nobuhiro Hiwatari and Jun Saito, eds. Political Parties in Disarray: The Causes and Conquences of the LDP’s Fall from Power.” Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press. Pp. 97-114.

“Chapitre 1 : Quels équilibres entre Etat et marché au Japon après vingt ans de déréglementation ? (what is the new equilibrium between State and market in Japan after twenty years of deregulation?). In Sebastien Lechevalier, ed. Capitalismes et néolibéralisme: Leçons japonaises. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.

”Comment Comprendre l’echec de la politique climatique europeenne” in Annuaire Français de Relations Internationales (AFRI). Volume XII (2011). Pp. 549-560.

Schreurs, Miranda and Yves Tiberghien. 2010. “Multi-Level Reinforcement: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation,” in Harrison, Kathryn and Lisa Sundstrom eds, Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change. Boston: MIT Press. Pp 22-66.

Tiberghien, Yves and Miranda Schreurs. 2010. “High Noon in Japan: Embedded Symbolism and post-2001 Kyoto Protocol Politics.” in Harrison, Kathryn and Lisa Sundstrom eds, Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change. Boston: MIT Press. Pp. 139-168.

“Europe: Turning Against Agricultural Biotechnology in the Late 1990s”, in Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, ed. The Gene Revolution: GM Crops and Unequal Development. London: Earthscan Publication, pp 51-69. January.

“Global Investors, Bureaucratic Leadership, and Legislative Agenda: The Battle for Japanese Corporate Reforms, 1996-2002.” in Jongryn Mo and Daniel Okimoto, eds. From Crisis to Opportunity: Financial Globalization and East Asian Capitalism. Brookings: Washington, DC. The Walter Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center. Pp.41-83.

“De l’arrivee des bateaux noirs a l’insubmersible alliance?: Les Relations Nippo-Americaines de 1854 a 2004” (From the Arrival of the Black Ships to the insubmersible alliance: US-Japan Relations from 1854 to 2004). In Sabouret, Jean-Francois, ed. La Dynamique du Japon (1854-2004). Paris: Editions Saint-Simon. Pp 123-133.

“Continuité au Japon et Transformation en Corée : Analyse Politique de Deux Parcours Divergents” [“Continuity in Japan and Transformation in Korea: Political Analysis of Two Divergent Trajectories”]. In Jean-Marie Bouissou, Diana Hochraich, and Christian Milleli eds. Les Economies Asiatiques : de la Crise au Rebond ? 2003. Collection Recherches Internationales du CERI. Paris : Editions Karthala. pp. 301-325 (Chapter 13).

“Kokusai Shihon Ido: Kokusai Shihon Ido to Kokunai Seiji [“The Domestic Political Impact of International Capital Mobility”]. In Masaru Kohno and Harukata Takenaka, eds. April  Akusesu Kokusai Seiji Keizai [Access to Theory on International Political Economy]. Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha. pp. 146-164.

Book Reviews
2011 Playing Our Game: Why China’s Rise Doesn’t Threaten the West. By Edward S. Steinfeld. Oxford University Press (2010) published in Journal of East Asian Studies 11(2).

2010 Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State. By Yasheng Huang. Cambridge University Press (2008) published in Journal of East Asian Studies 10(1).

2006 Japan’s Financial Crisis: Institutional Rigidity and Reluctant Chagne. By Jennifer Amyx. Princeton University Press (2004) published in Perspectives on Politics 4(1).

2006 Machiavelli’s Children: Leaders and Their Legacies in Italy and Japan. By Richard Samuels. Cornell University Press (2003) published in Pacific Affairs 78(3).

2004 Quand les Sumos Apprennent a Danser: la fin du modA’le Japonais. By Jean-Marie Bouissou. Fayard (2003) published in Pacific Affairs 77(3).

2003 Political Business in East Asia. By Edmund Terence Gomez eds. Routledge (2002) published in Pacific Affairs 76(3).

2002 Banking on Stability: Japan and the Cross-Pacific Dynamics of International Financial Crisis Management. By Saori Katada. University of Michigan Press (2001) published in Journal of East Asian Studies. 2(2).

Other Publications


July 2020: “Japan’s Leadership in the Liberal International Order” Editor of online policy paper collection with 17 leading analysts: https://sppga.ubc.ca/news/japans-leadership-in-the-liberal-international-order-impact-and-policy-opportunities-for-partners/

June 2020: “the Pandemic Must End our Complacency,” with Bertrand Badré, Project Syndicate,


And https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/pandemic-covid19-coronaivrus-multilateralism-global-leadership/

July 2020 in Global Asia: “For the Global Economy, US-China Rivalry Does Not Have to Mean Destruction”


May 2020: Facing the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression in East Asia Forumhttps://www.eastasiaforum.org/2020/05/11/facing-the-greatest-economic-crisis-since-the-great-depression/

April 2020: Toward “effective multilateralism” in turbulent times, in Global Solutions Journalhttps://www.global-solutions-initiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/GSJ5_Alexandroff_Bradford_Tiberghien.pdf

April 2020: Struggling to marshal collective action against COVID-19, in East Asia Forum: https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2020/04/04/struggling-to-marshal-collective-action-against-covid-19/

March 2020: Output from the China-West Dialogue (Boston University): http://www.bu.edu/gdp/cwd/


Dec 2019: Facing a Geopolitical Perfect Storm: What are Canada’s Next Moves?: https://www.asiapacific.ca/publication/facing-geopolitical-perfect-storm-what-are-canadas-next

In Project Syndicate. July 2019. “Toward a Euro-Asia Partnership.” With Zaki Laidi and Shumpei Takemori.
2013 Tiberghien, Yves. “Priorities and Constraints of the Abe Government After the Upper House Elections: Impact on Sino-Japanese Relations.” Submission to Peking University – School of International Studies. September 2013.
2012 “Toward a New Japanese Role at the G20 Leaders Summit.” G20 Debriefing for Digital20 Global Summitry Project, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto.
2011 “East Asian Politics and the Great G20 Game: Convergence and Divergence in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Approaches.” EAI Working Paper.2011 “Post G20 Seoul Summit Meeting and East Asia.” EAI Issue Briefing No. MASI 2011-04. August 16. [reviewed and discussed as Special Feature in the International Relations and Security Network of ETH Zurich]
2011 “Real Advances for Global Governance at the Cannes G20 – In spite of the Euro Saga.” G20 Debriefing for Digital20 Global Summitry Project, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto.
2011 “G20 and the Five Asian Powers.” Asia-Pacific Memo, UBC, IAR.
2011 “A New Japanese Voice at the G20.” Asia-Pacific Memo, UBC, IAR.
2011 “Strategic Games around Free Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific.” Telos, Paris.
2010 “The Global Governance of Biotechnology: Mediating Chinese and Canadian Interests.” CIC China Papers. No. 13. July.
2010 “Regime Change and Green Shift in Tokyo.” Asia Program Report No.144 (“The Politics and Policies of Climate Change in Northeast Asian Democracies, edited by Bryce Wakefield. pp 5-13. Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC.)
2009 Wood, Fiona, and Tiberghien, Yves eds. 2009. Driving Innovations through Business, Education, and Social Entrepreneurship, Conference Report. Business Forum of Japan: Tokyo.
2009 “Empowering Entrepreneurs and Innovators: Toward a New Role for the State.” In Fiona Q. Wood and Yves Tiberghien, editors. Driving Innovations through Business, Education, and Social Entrepreneurship, Conference Report. Business Forum of Japan: Tokyo.
2005 “Agriculture Biotechnology Policy-Making in the EU, Japan, Korea, Chinese Taipei, and Australia: The Balance between National Politics and Global Trade Commitments”. Report Written the Project on “Building Capacity on Trade and Biotechnology Policymaking” directed by the International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and led by Professor David Vogel. ICTSD: Geneva, Switzerland (November).
2005 “OGM, le Sud fait sauter les tabous”, in Alternatives Internationales, Hors Serie-December 2005 (published in partnership with CERI-Science Po). Paris. pp.46-47.
2004 « L’Etat Japonais en Question: Rééquilibrages au Centre” (The Japanese State in Question: Reorganization at the Core), AGIR N°17, mars
2004. pp. 15-22. Paris, France: Societé de Strategie (publication focusing on geostrategic questions and international relations).
2003 Japan is Changing: Significant Reforms and New Debates in Post-1996 Japan: the Implications for Canada. Canada in Asia Series on Foreign Policy Dialogue. Vancouver: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.

Yves Tiberghien

Director, Centre for Japanese Research, IAR; Konwakai Chair
phone 604-822-4688
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Yves Tiberghien (Ph.D. Stanford University, 2002; Harvard Academy Scholar 2006; Fulbright Scholar 1996) is a Professor of Political Science, Director Emeritus of the Institute of Asian Research (IAR), Faculty Associate with the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs and Co-Director of the Center for Japanese Research (CJR). He is also the Konwakai Chair in Japanese Research at the IAR.

Yves is also Distinguished Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada and at the University of Alberta’s China Institute. He serves as the International Steering Committee Member representing Canada at Pacific Trade and Development Conference (PAFTAD). In November 2017, he was made a Chevalier de l’ordre national du mérite by the French President.

In 2014-2016, Yves served as Co-Director of the UBC Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs (MPPGA), which he founded as Chair of the UBC Public Policy Curriculum Committee in 2014.

He is a regular visiting professor at Tokyo University and at Sciences Po Paris. He has held other visiting positions at National Chengchi University (NCCU, Taipei), GRIPS (Tokyo), and the Jakarta School of Public Policy.

Yves’ research specializes in East Asian comparative political economy, international political economy, and global economic and environmental governance, with an empirical focus on China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and Europe.

His books include The East Asian Covid-19 Paradox (2021, Elements in Politics and Society in East Asia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea (2007, Cornell University Press in the Political Economy Series directed by Peter Katzenstein); L’Asie et le futur du monde, Paris: Science Po Press, 2012; and Leadership in Global Institution-Building: Minerva’s Rule, edited volume, Palgrave McMillan, 2013. In 2020, he edited an online collection of papers on Japan’s leadership in the Liberal International Order. He has published many articles and book chapters on the Japan’s and China’s political economy, on global governance, global climate change politics, and on the governance of agricultural biotechnology in China and Japan.

Dr. Tiberghien’s current research focuses on the ongoing transition in the global economic and environmental order, in the face of new systemic risks, a changing balance of power, and the rise of populist political forces. He is also currently working on articles on China’s role in global and regional governance and three books: Up for Grabs: Disruption, Competition, and the Remaking of the Global Economic Order; Navigating the Age of Disruption: Understanding Canada’s Options in a Shifting Global Order; and Geopolitics in East Asia: Response to COVID-19.

Dr. Tiberghien founded the Vision 20 group in 2015, a new coalition of global scholars and policy-makers aiming at providing a long-term perspective on the challenges of global economic and environmental governance. The V20 held six summits (Hangzhou, 2016, Buenos Aires 2018, Tokyo 2018, and Washington DC, 2017, 2018, 2019).



Research Excellence

Professor Tiberghien has made significant contributions to our understanding of economic and environmental governance in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, ASEAN) and of global economic governance. These include an understanding of innovative policies, reforms, and institutions that can be of use for Canada and beyond. Tiberghien has been awarded two major SSHRC grants and several other grants for this work. Tiberghien was also awarded a Harvard Academy Fellowship (and related life-long distinction) in 2004-2006.

Tiberghien’s research has also focused on institutional innovations in global economic and environmental governance; in this work, he has been tracking global systemic risks, emerging solutions and institutions to address those, and the role that Canada can play to be positioned at the core of future global institutions. In this work, Tiberghien is part of a large global research network as a Senior Fellow with the Global Summitry Project of the Munk School (University of Toronto). Tiberghien has been awarded two major SSHRC grants (2009 on China and the management of globalization; and 2004 on the global governance of Genetically Modified Foods) and several other grants for this work on global governance. Tiberghien was awarded an East Asia Institute (EAI) fellowship in 2010-2011, with visiting research positions at Fudan University, Peking University, Keio University, Taiwan National University, and the East Asia Institute.

Tiberghien has completed four major research projects:1) on financial globalization and corporate governance reforms with funding from SSHRC and the Harvard Academy – leading to a major Cornell University Press book and scores of articles and chapters; 2) on climate change politics, funded by the Weyerhauser Foundation, leading to two major articles, and several book chapters and articles; 3) on global institutional innovation with funding from Japan Foundation and the EU Commission, leading to an edited book published by Palgrave; 4) on the competitive regulation of agriculture biotechnology, funded by SSHRC, leading to scores of articles, chapters, and conferences. He is nearing completion of a fifth research project (funded by SSHRC) on the role of China and emerging powers in global governance, leading to two major books published in France (Sciences-Po press), China (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, March 2015), articles, and one further book in process.

Tiberghien also maintains active individual research partnerships with the following universities and scholars:

  1. Research Partnership with L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France), Waseda (Japan), Oxford (UK), Free University Berlin (Germany), Stanford University (US), and UBC/IAR. The network is supported by a French Marie Curie Fellowship and Japanese government funding, in addition to an endowment at IAR. Workshops have taken place in Waseda (2013) and at UBC (Fall 2014). A subsequent workshop around a book project is scheduled in June 2015.
  2. Policy School Network (including research cooperation): He has been actively engaged with the seven schools of the Global Public Policy Network (GPPN, see gppn.net). This is driven by the needs of the public policy program at UBC. Tiberghien has attended the GPPN annual meeting and associated research conference in 2012, 2012, and 2013. He served as a visiting professor at two of the schools (Sciences Po and Tokyo University), teaching the core course on global governance. The 7 partners of the GPPN are: Sciences-Po, London School of Economics and Political Science, National University of Singapore, Todai, Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, as well as Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, Foundation Vargas in Brazil.
  3. At Tokyo University, Tiberghien has been working closely on systemic risk governance, including through the holding a joint workshop in Tokyo in July 2014.
  4. Cooperation with Sciences Po has included joint seminars and the publication of book on Asia and global governance with Sciences Po Press (2012).
  5. Tiberghien has a core research partnership with Prof. Wang Yong at Peking University- they are co- authors, working on a joint book and a collaborative set of articles.
  6. Tiberghien has a long-standing research partnership with Professor Xue Dayuan at Minzu University in Beijing (Chair of the Biodiversity Research Center and Chief Scientist on Biodiversity at the Ministry of Environmental Protection). They are working on a joint project on the comparative governance of biodiversity.
  7. Tiberghien has a long-standing research relation with Professor Gao Qiqi at East China University of Political Science and Law. They are working on a set of common global governance indicators.
  8. As part of the work to establish a dual degree with Fudan University, Tiberghien has worked with Fudan on a joint workshop on governance in China. One article co-authored by Tiberghien and one of his graduate students is under review with the journal Governance.


Forthcoming:  Tiberghien, Yves. The Political Economy of East Asia: Regional Transformation and Global Impact. London and New York: Palgrave McMillan (Under contract/ forthcoming)

Tiberghien, Yves. 公民丛书 : 亚洲与世界未来 (Gong min cong shu : ya zhou yu shi jie wei lai ; Series of Citizen of the World : Asia and the Future of the World).Beijing: 社会科学文献出版社 (she hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she ; Social Sciences Academic Press China)
Translation of 2012 Book (L’Asie et le Futur du Monde with 25% updates and expansion from original).

Tiberghien, Yves, ed. Leadership in Global Institution Building: Minerva’s Rule. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics Series. London and New York: Palgrave McMillan.

L’Asie, le G20, et le future du Monde. Paris: Presses de Science Po. Collection Nouveaux Débats.

Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea. A volume in the series: Cornell Studies in Political Economy edited

Books in Progress:
China’s Role in Global Governance: G20, Climate Change, and Food Security

The Global Battle over the Governance of Genetically-Engineered Food.

Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed):
Tiberghien, Yves. “An Uncertain World: Rising Powers, Systemic Risk, and the Role of Institutions and Entrepreneurship: a Response to Brantly Womack’s ‘China’s Future in a Multinodal Order.” Pacific Affairs. Volume 87, No. 2. June 2014.

Tiberghien, Yves and Niall Dugan. “Existing and Emerging Powers in the G20: the Case of East Asia.” Asien, the German Journal on Contemporary Asia. July (No 128). Pp 28-44.

Tiberghien, Yves and Hongcai Xu. “The G20’s Role in the Reform of the International Monetary System: Present Record, Potential, and Scenarios.” Global Summitry Journal. Vol1. Issue 1. June. http://globalsummitry.org/gsj/vol1/iss1/6/

“La Chine face au grand jeu du G20 et de la gouvernance mondiale.” Revue Internationale de Politique Comparee. Vol 18 (3). Pp. 95-122.

“The political Consequences of Inequality in Japan,” Shakai Kagaku Kenkyu (Social Science Research). Issue 62-1. February. (pp. 77-99). Tokyo: Tokyo University.

“The Puzzling 2010 Diaoyutai/Senkaku Crisis:Centrifugal Domestic Politics, Shifting Balance of Power, and Weak Regional Institutionalization.” Harvard Asia Quarterly. Special Issue on Maritime Asia. Harvard University: Harvard Asia Center. Winter 2010. Volume XII, No. 3 & 4. Pp 70-78.

“The Global Governance of Biotechnology: Mediating Chinese and Canadian Interests.” CIC China Papers. No. 13. July.

“Transitional Competitive Governance and Agenda-Setting in the EU: the Battle over the Regulation of GMOs since the mid-1990s.” Journal of European Integration. Vol. 31, No. 3, 389–407, May 2009.

“High Noon in Japan: Kyoto Protocol Politics and the Power of a Symbol (Yves Tiberghien and Miranda Schreurs). Global Environmental Politics. 7:4 (November). Pp. 70-91.

“Multi-Level: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change
Mitigation” (Miranda Schreurs and Yves Tiberghien). Global Environmental Politics. 7:4 (November). Pp. 19-46.

“Idéologie néolibérale et entreprenariat politique au Japon (Neo-Liberal Ideology and Political Entrepreneurship in Japan). ” Critique Internationale. 32 (Juillet-Septembre 2006): 153 – 171.

“The Battle for the Global Governance of Genetically Modified Organisms: the Roles of the European Union, Japan, Korea, and China in a Comparative Context, Les Etudes du CERI, Number 124 (April), Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris.

“Roundtable on Richard J.Samuels, Machiavelli’s Children: Leaders and their Legacies in Italy and Japan”, with T.J. Pempel, Sheldon Garon, Junko Kato, and Richard J. Samuels, Journal of East Asian Studies, 6, pp. 1-29.

“Navigating the Path of Least Resistance: Financial Deregulation and the Origins of the Japanese Crisis”, Journal of East Asian Studies, 5, pp. 427-464

“State Mediation of Global Financial Forces: Different Paths of Structural Reforms in Japan and South Korea.” Journal of East Asian Studies. Summer 2002. 2(2):103-141.

Journal Articles in Progress:
“G20 and Credible Commitments: the Preferences and Actions of the US, Europe, China, and Japan in 2008-2012.”

“Norms Entrepreneurs and Agenda-Setting in Japan: the Struggle over the Governance of Genetically-Engineered Food.”

“Representation without Institution: The Surprising Outcome of the Conflict of Genetically-Modified Food in China.” (with Li Guo)

“What does China Expect from Global Economic and Environmental Governance? WTO, G20, GMOs, and Climate Change in a Broader Perspective”.

Book Chapters Published and Under Review
Ohta Hiroshi and Yves Tiberghien, “Saving the Kyoto Protocol: what can we learn from the experience of Japan-EU cooperation?” in Bacon, Paul, Hartmut Mayer, and Hidetoshi Nakamura eds. 2015.

The European Union and Japan: a New Chapter in Civilian Power Cooperation? Ashgate. April.

Tiberghien, Yves. “Thirty Years of Neo-Liberal Reforms in Japan” in S. Lechevalier (ed.) The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism, London: Routledge. February. Pp. 26-55.

Tiberghien, Yves. “Election Surprise: Abenomics and Central Bank Independence Trump Nationalism and Fukushima” in Pekkanen, Robert, Steven Reed, and Ethan Scheiner, eds. Japan Decides 2012: the Japanese General Election. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=684422). Pp. 195-200.

“The Global Economic Crisis and Politics of Regime Change in Japan” in Nancy Bermeo, and Jonas Pontusson, eds. Coping with Crisis: Government Reactions to the Great Recession. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Pp. 261-286.

“The global battle over the governance of agricultural biotechnology: the roles of Japan, Korea, and China” in Howlett, Michael and David Laycock, eds. Regulating Next Generation Agri-Food Biotechnologies: Lessons from European, North American and Asian Experiences. London: Routledge (series: Genetics and Society), pp. 111-125.

“The Global Governance of Biotechnology: Mediating Chinese and Canadian Interests.” Chapter 19 in Pitman B. Potter and Thomas Adams, eds. Issues in Canada-China Relations.” Toronto: Canada International Council. Pp. 320-332.

“Chapter 4: Kakusa mondai to seito tairitsu (the impact of inequality on party politics)” in Nobuhiro Hiwatari and Jun Saito, eds. Political Parties in Disarray: The Causes and Conquences of the LDP’s Fall from Power.” Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press. Pp. 97-114.

“Chapitre 1 : Quels équilibres entre Etat et marché au Japon après vingt ans de déréglementation ? (what is the new equilibrium between State and market in Japan after twenty years of deregulation?). In Sebastien Lechevalier, ed. Capitalismes et néolibéralisme: Leçons japonaises. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.

”Comment Comprendre l’echec de la politique climatique europeenne” in Annuaire Français de Relations Internationales (AFRI). Volume XII (2011). Pp. 549-560.

Schreurs, Miranda and Yves Tiberghien. 2010. “Multi-Level Reinforcement: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation,” in Harrison, Kathryn and Lisa Sundstrom eds, Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change. Boston: MIT Press. Pp 22-66.

Tiberghien, Yves and Miranda Schreurs. 2010. “High Noon in Japan: Embedded Symbolism and post-2001 Kyoto Protocol Politics.” in Harrison, Kathryn and Lisa Sundstrom eds, Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change. Boston: MIT Press. Pp. 139-168.

“Europe: Turning Against Agricultural Biotechnology in the Late 1990s”, in Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, ed. The Gene Revolution: GM Crops and Unequal Development. London: Earthscan Publication, pp 51-69. January.

“Global Investors, Bureaucratic Leadership, and Legislative Agenda: The Battle for Japanese Corporate Reforms, 1996-2002.” in Jongryn Mo and Daniel Okimoto, eds. From Crisis to Opportunity: Financial Globalization and East Asian Capitalism. Brookings: Washington, DC. The Walter Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center. Pp.41-83.

“De l’arrivee des bateaux noirs a l’insubmersible alliance?: Les Relations Nippo-Americaines de 1854 a 2004” (From the Arrival of the Black Ships to the insubmersible alliance: US-Japan Relations from 1854 to 2004). In Sabouret, Jean-Francois, ed. La Dynamique du Japon (1854-2004). Paris: Editions Saint-Simon. Pp 123-133.

“Continuité au Japon et Transformation en Corée : Analyse Politique de Deux Parcours Divergents” [“Continuity in Japan and Transformation in Korea: Political Analysis of Two Divergent Trajectories”]. In Jean-Marie Bouissou, Diana Hochraich, and Christian Milleli eds. Les Economies Asiatiques : de la Crise au Rebond ? 2003. Collection Recherches Internationales du CERI. Paris : Editions Karthala. pp. 301-325 (Chapter 13).

“Kokusai Shihon Ido: Kokusai Shihon Ido to Kokunai Seiji [“The Domestic Political Impact of International Capital Mobility”]. In Masaru Kohno and Harukata Takenaka, eds. April  Akusesu Kokusai Seiji Keizai [Access to Theory on International Political Economy]. Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha. pp. 146-164.

Book Reviews
2011 Playing Our Game: Why China’s Rise Doesn’t Threaten the West. By Edward S. Steinfeld. Oxford University Press (2010) published in Journal of East Asian Studies 11(2).

2010 Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State. By Yasheng Huang. Cambridge University Press (2008) published in Journal of East Asian Studies 10(1).

2006 Japan’s Financial Crisis: Institutional Rigidity and Reluctant Chagne. By Jennifer Amyx. Princeton University Press (2004) published in Perspectives on Politics 4(1).

2006 Machiavelli’s Children: Leaders and Their Legacies in Italy and Japan. By Richard Samuels. Cornell University Press (2003) published in Pacific Affairs 78(3).

2004 Quand les Sumos Apprennent a Danser: la fin du modA’le Japonais. By Jean-Marie Bouissou. Fayard (2003) published in Pacific Affairs 77(3).

2003 Political Business in East Asia. By Edmund Terence Gomez eds. Routledge (2002) published in Pacific Affairs 76(3).

2002 Banking on Stability: Japan and the Cross-Pacific Dynamics of International Financial Crisis Management. By Saori Katada. University of Michigan Press (2001) published in Journal of East Asian Studies. 2(2).

Other Publications


July 2020: “Japan’s Leadership in the Liberal International Order” Editor of online policy paper collection with 17 leading analysts: https://sppga.ubc.ca/news/japans-leadership-in-the-liberal-international-order-impact-and-policy-opportunities-for-partners/

June 2020: “the Pandemic Must End our Complacency,” with Bertrand Badré, Project Syndicate,


And https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/pandemic-covid19-coronaivrus-multilateralism-global-leadership/

July 2020 in Global Asia: “For the Global Economy, US-China Rivalry Does Not Have to Mean Destruction”


May 2020: Facing the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression in East Asia Forumhttps://www.eastasiaforum.org/2020/05/11/facing-the-greatest-economic-crisis-since-the-great-depression/

April 2020: Toward “effective multilateralism” in turbulent times, in Global Solutions Journalhttps://www.global-solutions-initiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/GSJ5_Alexandroff_Bradford_Tiberghien.pdf

April 2020: Struggling to marshal collective action against COVID-19, in East Asia Forum: https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2020/04/04/struggling-to-marshal-collective-action-against-covid-19/

March 2020: Output from the China-West Dialogue (Boston University): http://www.bu.edu/gdp/cwd/


Dec 2019: Facing a Geopolitical Perfect Storm: What are Canada’s Next Moves?: https://www.asiapacific.ca/publication/facing-geopolitical-perfect-storm-what-are-canadas-next

In Project Syndicate. July 2019. “Toward a Euro-Asia Partnership.” With Zaki Laidi and Shumpei Takemori.
2013 Tiberghien, Yves. “Priorities and Constraints of the Abe Government After the Upper House Elections: Impact on Sino-Japanese Relations.” Submission to Peking University – School of International Studies. September 2013.
2012 “Toward a New Japanese Role at the G20 Leaders Summit.” G20 Debriefing for Digital20 Global Summitry Project, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto.
2011 “East Asian Politics and the Great G20 Game: Convergence and Divergence in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Approaches.” EAI Working Paper.2011 “Post G20 Seoul Summit Meeting and East Asia.” EAI Issue Briefing No. MASI 2011-04. August 16. [reviewed and discussed as Special Feature in the International Relations and Security Network of ETH Zurich]
2011 “Real Advances for Global Governance at the Cannes G20 – In spite of the Euro Saga.” G20 Debriefing for Digital20 Global Summitry Project, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto.
2011 “G20 and the Five Asian Powers.” Asia-Pacific Memo, UBC, IAR.
2011 “A New Japanese Voice at the G20.” Asia-Pacific Memo, UBC, IAR.
2011 “Strategic Games around Free Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific.” Telos, Paris.
2010 “The Global Governance of Biotechnology: Mediating Chinese and Canadian Interests.” CIC China Papers. No. 13. July.
2010 “Regime Change and Green Shift in Tokyo.” Asia Program Report No.144 (“The Politics and Policies of Climate Change in Northeast Asian Democracies, edited by Bryce Wakefield. pp 5-13. Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC.)
2009 Wood, Fiona, and Tiberghien, Yves eds. 2009. Driving Innovations through Business, Education, and Social Entrepreneurship, Conference Report. Business Forum of Japan: Tokyo.
2009 “Empowering Entrepreneurs and Innovators: Toward a New Role for the State.” In Fiona Q. Wood and Yves Tiberghien, editors. Driving Innovations through Business, Education, and Social Entrepreneurship, Conference Report. Business Forum of Japan: Tokyo.
2005 “Agriculture Biotechnology Policy-Making in the EU, Japan, Korea, Chinese Taipei, and Australia: The Balance between National Politics and Global Trade Commitments”. Report Written the Project on “Building Capacity on Trade and Biotechnology Policymaking” directed by the International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and led by Professor David Vogel. ICTSD: Geneva, Switzerland (November).
2005 “OGM, le Sud fait sauter les tabous”, in Alternatives Internationales, Hors Serie-December 2005 (published in partnership with CERI-Science Po). Paris. pp.46-47.
2004 « L’Etat Japonais en Question: Rééquilibrages au Centre” (The Japanese State in Question: Reorganization at the Core), AGIR N°17, mars
2004. pp. 15-22. Paris, France: Societé de Strategie (publication focusing on geostrategic questions and international relations).
2003 Japan is Changing: Significant Reforms and New Debates in Post-1996 Japan: the Implications for Canada. Canada in Asia Series on Foreign Policy Dialogue. Vancouver: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.

Yves Tiberghien

Director, Centre for Japanese Research, IAR; Konwakai Chair
phone 604-822-4688
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Yves Tiberghien (Ph.D. Stanford University, 2002; Harvard Academy Scholar 2006; Fulbright Scholar 1996) is a Professor of Political Science, Director Emeritus of the Institute of Asian Research (IAR), Faculty Associate with the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs and Co-Director of the Center for Japanese Research (CJR). He is also the Konwakai Chair in Japanese Research at the IAR.

Yves is also Distinguished Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada and at the University of Alberta’s China Institute. He serves as the International Steering Committee Member representing Canada at Pacific Trade and Development Conference (PAFTAD). In November 2017, he was made a Chevalier de l’ordre national du mérite by the French President.

In 2014-2016, Yves served as Co-Director of the UBC Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs (MPPGA), which he founded as Chair of the UBC Public Policy Curriculum Committee in 2014.

He is a regular visiting professor at Tokyo University and at Sciences Po Paris. He has held other visiting positions at National Chengchi University (NCCU, Taipei), GRIPS (Tokyo), and the Jakarta School of Public Policy.

Yves’ research specializes in East Asian comparative political economy, international political economy, and global economic and environmental governance, with an empirical focus on China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and Europe.

His books include The East Asian Covid-19 Paradox (2021, Elements in Politics and Society in East Asia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea (2007, Cornell University Press in the Political Economy Series directed by Peter Katzenstein); L’Asie et le futur du monde, Paris: Science Po Press, 2012; and Leadership in Global Institution-Building: Minerva’s Rule, edited volume, Palgrave McMillan, 2013. In 2020, he edited an online collection of papers on Japan’s leadership in the Liberal International Order. He has published many articles and book chapters on the Japan’s and China’s political economy, on global governance, global climate change politics, and on the governance of agricultural biotechnology in China and Japan.

Dr. Tiberghien’s current research focuses on the ongoing transition in the global economic and environmental order, in the face of new systemic risks, a changing balance of power, and the rise of populist political forces. He is also currently working on articles on China’s role in global and regional governance and three books: Up for Grabs: Disruption, Competition, and the Remaking of the Global Economic Order; Navigating the Age of Disruption: Understanding Canada’s Options in a Shifting Global Order; and Geopolitics in East Asia: Response to COVID-19.

Dr. Tiberghien founded the Vision 20 group in 2015, a new coalition of global scholars and policy-makers aiming at providing a long-term perspective on the challenges of global economic and environmental governance. The V20 held six summits (Hangzhou, 2016, Buenos Aires 2018, Tokyo 2018, and Washington DC, 2017, 2018, 2019).

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Research Excellence

Professor Tiberghien has made significant contributions to our understanding of economic and environmental governance in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, ASEAN) and of global economic governance. These include an understanding of innovative policies, reforms, and institutions that can be of use for Canada and beyond. Tiberghien has been awarded two major SSHRC grants and several other grants for this work. Tiberghien was also awarded a Harvard Academy Fellowship (and related life-long distinction) in 2004-2006.

Tiberghien’s research has also focused on institutional innovations in global economic and environmental governance; in this work, he has been tracking global systemic risks, emerging solutions and institutions to address those, and the role that Canada can play to be positioned at the core of future global institutions. In this work, Tiberghien is part of a large global research network as a Senior Fellow with the Global Summitry Project of the Munk School (University of Toronto). Tiberghien has been awarded two major SSHRC grants (2009 on China and the management of globalization; and 2004 on the global governance of Genetically Modified Foods) and several other grants for this work on global governance. Tiberghien was awarded an East Asia Institute (EAI) fellowship in 2010-2011, with visiting research positions at Fudan University, Peking University, Keio University, Taiwan National University, and the East Asia Institute.

Tiberghien has completed four major research projects:1) on financial globalization and corporate governance reforms with funding from SSHRC and the Harvard Academy – leading to a major Cornell University Press book and scores of articles and chapters; 2) on climate change politics, funded by the Weyerhauser Foundation, leading to two major articles, and several book chapters and articles; 3) on global institutional innovation with funding from Japan Foundation and the EU Commission, leading to an edited book published by Palgrave; 4) on the competitive regulation of agriculture biotechnology, funded by SSHRC, leading to scores of articles, chapters, and conferences. He is nearing completion of a fifth research project (funded by SSHRC) on the role of China and emerging powers in global governance, leading to two major books published in France (Sciences-Po press), China (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, March 2015), articles, and one further book in process.

Tiberghien also maintains active individual research partnerships with the following universities and scholars:

  1. Research Partnership with L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France), Waseda (Japan), Oxford (UK), Free University Berlin (Germany), Stanford University (US), and UBC/IAR. The network is supported by a French Marie Curie Fellowship and Japanese government funding, in addition to an endowment at IAR. Workshops have taken place in Waseda (2013) and at UBC (Fall 2014). A subsequent workshop around a book project is scheduled in June 2015.
  2. Policy School Network (including research cooperation): He has been actively engaged with the seven schools of the Global Public Policy Network (GPPN, see gppn.net). This is driven by the needs of the public policy program at UBC. Tiberghien has attended the GPPN annual meeting and associated research conference in 2012, 2012, and 2013. He served as a visiting professor at two of the schools (Sciences Po and Tokyo University), teaching the core course on global governance. The 7 partners of the GPPN are: Sciences-Po, London School of Economics and Political Science, National University of Singapore, Todai, Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, as well as Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, Foundation Vargas in Brazil.
  3. At Tokyo University, Tiberghien has been working closely on systemic risk governance, including through the holding a joint workshop in Tokyo in July 2014.
  4. Cooperation with Sciences Po has included joint seminars and the publication of book on Asia and global governance with Sciences Po Press (2012).
  5. Tiberghien has a core research partnership with Prof. Wang Yong at Peking University- they are co- authors, working on a joint book and a collaborative set of articles.
  6. Tiberghien has a long-standing research partnership with Professor Xue Dayuan at Minzu University in Beijing (Chair of the Biodiversity Research Center and Chief Scientist on Biodiversity at the Ministry of Environmental Protection). They are working on a joint project on the comparative governance of biodiversity.
  7. Tiberghien has a long-standing research relation with Professor Gao Qiqi at East China University of Political Science and Law. They are working on a set of common global governance indicators.
  8. As part of the work to establish a dual degree with Fudan University, Tiberghien has worked with Fudan on a joint workshop on governance in China. One article co-authored by Tiberghien and one of his graduate students is under review with the journal Governance.
Publications keyboard_arrow_down

Forthcoming:  Tiberghien, Yves. The Political Economy of East Asia: Regional Transformation and Global Impact. London and New York: Palgrave McMillan (Under contract/ forthcoming)

Tiberghien, Yves. 公民丛书 : 亚洲与世界未来 (Gong min cong shu : ya zhou yu shi jie wei lai ; Series of Citizen of the World : Asia and the Future of the World).Beijing: 社会科学文献出版社 (she hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she ; Social Sciences Academic Press China)
Translation of 2012 Book (L’Asie et le Futur du Monde with 25% updates and expansion from original).

Tiberghien, Yves, ed. Leadership in Global Institution Building: Minerva’s Rule. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics Series. London and New York: Palgrave McMillan.

L’Asie, le G20, et le future du Monde. Paris: Presses de Science Po. Collection Nouveaux Débats.

Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea. A volume in the series: Cornell Studies in Political Economy edited

Books in Progress:
China’s Role in Global Governance: G20, Climate Change, and Food Security

The Global Battle over the Governance of Genetically-Engineered Food.

Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed):
Tiberghien, Yves. “An Uncertain World: Rising Powers, Systemic Risk, and the Role of Institutions and Entrepreneurship: a Response to Brantly Womack’s ‘China’s Future in a Multinodal Order.” Pacific Affairs. Volume 87, No. 2. June 2014.

Tiberghien, Yves and Niall Dugan. “Existing and Emerging Powers in the G20: the Case of East Asia.” Asien, the German Journal on Contemporary Asia. July (No 128). Pp 28-44.

Tiberghien, Yves and Hongcai Xu. “The G20’s Role in the Reform of the International Monetary System: Present Record, Potential, and Scenarios.” Global Summitry Journal. Vol1. Issue 1. June. http://globalsummitry.org/gsj/vol1/iss1/6/

“La Chine face au grand jeu du G20 et de la gouvernance mondiale.” Revue Internationale de Politique Comparee. Vol 18 (3). Pp. 95-122.

“The political Consequences of Inequality in Japan,” Shakai Kagaku Kenkyu (Social Science Research). Issue 62-1. February. (pp. 77-99). Tokyo: Tokyo University.

“The Puzzling 2010 Diaoyutai/Senkaku Crisis:Centrifugal Domestic Politics, Shifting Balance of Power, and Weak Regional Institutionalization.” Harvard Asia Quarterly. Special Issue on Maritime Asia. Harvard University: Harvard Asia Center. Winter 2010. Volume XII, No. 3 & 4. Pp 70-78.

“The Global Governance of Biotechnology: Mediating Chinese and Canadian Interests.” CIC China Papers. No. 13. July.

“Transitional Competitive Governance and Agenda-Setting in the EU: the Battle over the Regulation of GMOs since the mid-1990s.” Journal of European Integration. Vol. 31, No. 3, 389–407, May 2009.

“High Noon in Japan: Kyoto Protocol Politics and the Power of a Symbol (Yves Tiberghien and Miranda Schreurs). Global Environmental Politics. 7:4 (November). Pp. 70-91.

“Multi-Level: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change
Mitigation” (Miranda Schreurs and Yves Tiberghien). Global Environmental Politics. 7:4 (November). Pp. 19-46.

“Idéologie néolibérale et entreprenariat politique au Japon (Neo-Liberal Ideology and Political Entrepreneurship in Japan). ” Critique Internationale. 32 (Juillet-Septembre 2006): 153 – 171.

“The Battle for the Global Governance of Genetically Modified Organisms: the Roles of the European Union, Japan, Korea, and China in a Comparative Context, Les Etudes du CERI, Number 124 (April), Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris.

“Roundtable on Richard J.Samuels, Machiavelli’s Children: Leaders and their Legacies in Italy and Japan”, with T.J. Pempel, Sheldon Garon, Junko Kato, and Richard J. Samuels, Journal of East Asian Studies, 6, pp. 1-29.

“Navigating the Path of Least Resistance: Financial Deregulation and the Origins of the Japanese Crisis”, Journal of East Asian Studies, 5, pp. 427-464

“State Mediation of Global Financial Forces: Different Paths of Structural Reforms in Japan and South Korea.” Journal of East Asian Studies. Summer 2002. 2(2):103-141.

Journal Articles in Progress:
“G20 and Credible Commitments: the Preferences and Actions of the US, Europe, China, and Japan in 2008-2012.”

“Norms Entrepreneurs and Agenda-Setting in Japan: the Struggle over the Governance of Genetically-Engineered Food.”

“Representation without Institution: The Surprising Outcome of the Conflict of Genetically-Modified Food in China.” (with Li Guo)

“What does China Expect from Global Economic and Environmental Governance? WTO, G20, GMOs, and Climate Change in a Broader Perspective”.

Book Chapters Published and Under Review
Ohta Hiroshi and Yves Tiberghien, “Saving the Kyoto Protocol: what can we learn from the experience of Japan-EU cooperation?” in Bacon, Paul, Hartmut Mayer, and Hidetoshi Nakamura eds. 2015.

The European Union and Japan: a New Chapter in Civilian Power Cooperation? Ashgate. April.

Tiberghien, Yves. “Thirty Years of Neo-Liberal Reforms in Japan” in S. Lechevalier (ed.) The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism, London: Routledge. February. Pp. 26-55.

Tiberghien, Yves. “Election Surprise: Abenomics and Central Bank Independence Trump Nationalism and Fukushima” in Pekkanen, Robert, Steven Reed, and Ethan Scheiner, eds. Japan Decides 2012: the Japanese General Election. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=684422). Pp. 195-200.

“The Global Economic Crisis and Politics of Regime Change in Japan” in Nancy Bermeo, and Jonas Pontusson, eds. Coping with Crisis: Government Reactions to the Great Recession. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Pp. 261-286.

“The global battle over the governance of agricultural biotechnology: the roles of Japan, Korea, and China” in Howlett, Michael and David Laycock, eds. Regulating Next Generation Agri-Food Biotechnologies: Lessons from European, North American and Asian Experiences. London: Routledge (series: Genetics and Society), pp. 111-125.

“The Global Governance of Biotechnology: Mediating Chinese and Canadian Interests.” Chapter 19 in Pitman B. Potter and Thomas Adams, eds. Issues in Canada-China Relations.” Toronto: Canada International Council. Pp. 320-332.

“Chapter 4: Kakusa mondai to seito tairitsu (the impact of inequality on party politics)” in Nobuhiro Hiwatari and Jun Saito, eds. Political Parties in Disarray: The Causes and Conquences of the LDP’s Fall from Power.” Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press. Pp. 97-114.

“Chapitre 1 : Quels équilibres entre Etat et marché au Japon après vingt ans de déréglementation ? (what is the new equilibrium between State and market in Japan after twenty years of deregulation?). In Sebastien Lechevalier, ed. Capitalismes et néolibéralisme: Leçons japonaises. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.

”Comment Comprendre l’echec de la politique climatique europeenne” in Annuaire Français de Relations Internationales (AFRI). Volume XII (2011). Pp. 549-560.

Schreurs, Miranda and Yves Tiberghien. 2010. “Multi-Level Reinforcement: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation,” in Harrison, Kathryn and Lisa Sundstrom eds, Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change. Boston: MIT Press. Pp 22-66.

Tiberghien, Yves and Miranda Schreurs. 2010. “High Noon in Japan: Embedded Symbolism and post-2001 Kyoto Protocol Politics.” in Harrison, Kathryn and Lisa Sundstrom eds, Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change. Boston: MIT Press. Pp. 139-168.

“Europe: Turning Against Agricultural Biotechnology in the Late 1990s”, in Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, ed. The Gene Revolution: GM Crops and Unequal Development. London: Earthscan Publication, pp 51-69. January.

“Global Investors, Bureaucratic Leadership, and Legislative Agenda: The Battle for Japanese Corporate Reforms, 1996-2002.” in Jongryn Mo and Daniel Okimoto, eds. From Crisis to Opportunity: Financial Globalization and East Asian Capitalism. Brookings: Washington, DC. The Walter Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center. Pp.41-83.

“De l’arrivee des bateaux noirs a l’insubmersible alliance?: Les Relations Nippo-Americaines de 1854 a 2004” (From the Arrival of the Black Ships to the insubmersible alliance: US-Japan Relations from 1854 to 2004). In Sabouret, Jean-Francois, ed. La Dynamique du Japon (1854-2004). Paris: Editions Saint-Simon. Pp 123-133.

“Continuité au Japon et Transformation en Corée : Analyse Politique de Deux Parcours Divergents” [“Continuity in Japan and Transformation in Korea: Political Analysis of Two Divergent Trajectories”]. In Jean-Marie Bouissou, Diana Hochraich, and Christian Milleli eds. Les Economies Asiatiques : de la Crise au Rebond ? 2003. Collection Recherches Internationales du CERI. Paris : Editions Karthala. pp. 301-325 (Chapter 13).

“Kokusai Shihon Ido: Kokusai Shihon Ido to Kokunai Seiji [“The Domestic Political Impact of International Capital Mobility”]. In Masaru Kohno and Harukata Takenaka, eds. April  Akusesu Kokusai Seiji Keizai [Access to Theory on International Political Economy]. Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha. pp. 146-164.

Book Reviews
2011 Playing Our Game: Why China’s Rise Doesn’t Threaten the West. By Edward S. Steinfeld. Oxford University Press (2010) published in Journal of East Asian Studies 11(2).

2010 Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State. By Yasheng Huang. Cambridge University Press (2008) published in Journal of East Asian Studies 10(1).

2006 Japan’s Financial Crisis: Institutional Rigidity and Reluctant Chagne. By Jennifer Amyx. Princeton University Press (2004) published in Perspectives on Politics 4(1).

2006 Machiavelli’s Children: Leaders and Their Legacies in Italy and Japan. By Richard Samuels. Cornell University Press (2003) published in Pacific Affairs 78(3).

2004 Quand les Sumos Apprennent a Danser: la fin du modA’le Japonais. By Jean-Marie Bouissou. Fayard (2003) published in Pacific Affairs 77(3).

2003 Political Business in East Asia. By Edmund Terence Gomez eds. Routledge (2002) published in Pacific Affairs 76(3).

2002 Banking on Stability: Japan and the Cross-Pacific Dynamics of International Financial Crisis Management. By Saori Katada. University of Michigan Press (2001) published in Journal of East Asian Studies. 2(2).

Other Publications


July 2020: “Japan’s Leadership in the Liberal International Order” Editor of online policy paper collection with 17 leading analysts: https://sppga.ubc.ca/news/japans-leadership-in-the-liberal-international-order-impact-and-policy-opportunities-for-partners/

June 2020: “the Pandemic Must End our Complacency,” with Bertrand Badré, Project Syndicate,


And https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/pandemic-covid19-coronaivrus-multilateralism-global-leadership/

July 2020 in Global Asia: “For the Global Economy, US-China Rivalry Does Not Have to Mean Destruction”


May 2020: Facing the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression in East Asia Forumhttps://www.eastasiaforum.org/2020/05/11/facing-the-greatest-economic-crisis-since-the-great-depression/

April 2020: Toward “effective multilateralism” in turbulent times, in Global Solutions Journalhttps://www.global-solutions-initiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/GSJ5_Alexandroff_Bradford_Tiberghien.pdf

April 2020: Struggling to marshal collective action against COVID-19, in East Asia Forum: https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2020/04/04/struggling-to-marshal-collective-action-against-covid-19/

March 2020: Output from the China-West Dialogue (Boston University): http://www.bu.edu/gdp/cwd/


Dec 2019: Facing a Geopolitical Perfect Storm: What are Canada’s Next Moves?: https://www.asiapacific.ca/publication/facing-geopolitical-perfect-storm-what-are-canadas-next

In Project Syndicate. July 2019. “Toward a Euro-Asia Partnership.” With Zaki Laidi and Shumpei Takemori.
2013 Tiberghien, Yves. “Priorities and Constraints of the Abe Government After the Upper House Elections: Impact on Sino-Japanese Relations.” Submission to Peking University – School of International Studies. September 2013.
2012 “Toward a New Japanese Role at the G20 Leaders Summit.” G20 Debriefing for Digital20 Global Summitry Project, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto.
2011 “East Asian Politics and the Great G20 Game: Convergence and Divergence in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Approaches.” EAI Working Paper.2011 “Post G20 Seoul Summit Meeting and East Asia.” EAI Issue Briefing No. MASI 2011-04. August 16. [reviewed and discussed as Special Feature in the International Relations and Security Network of ETH Zurich]
2011 “Real Advances for Global Governance at the Cannes G20 – In spite of the Euro Saga.” G20 Debriefing for Digital20 Global Summitry Project, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto.
2011 “G20 and the Five Asian Powers.” Asia-Pacific Memo, UBC, IAR.
2011 “A New Japanese Voice at the G20.” Asia-Pacific Memo, UBC, IAR.
2011 “Strategic Games around Free Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific.” Telos, Paris.
2010 “The Global Governance of Biotechnology: Mediating Chinese and Canadian Interests.” CIC China Papers. No. 13. July.
2010 “Regime Change and Green Shift in Tokyo.” Asia Program Report No.144 (“The Politics and Policies of Climate Change in Northeast Asian Democracies, edited by Bryce Wakefield. pp 5-13. Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC.)
2009 Wood, Fiona, and Tiberghien, Yves eds. 2009. Driving Innovations through Business, Education, and Social Entrepreneurship, Conference Report. Business Forum of Japan: Tokyo.
2009 “Empowering Entrepreneurs and Innovators: Toward a New Role for the State.” In Fiona Q. Wood and Yves Tiberghien, editors. Driving Innovations through Business, Education, and Social Entrepreneurship, Conference Report. Business Forum of Japan: Tokyo.
2005 “Agriculture Biotechnology Policy-Making in the EU, Japan, Korea, Chinese Taipei, and Australia: The Balance between National Politics and Global Trade Commitments”. Report Written the Project on “Building Capacity on Trade and Biotechnology Policymaking” directed by the International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and led by Professor David Vogel. ICTSD: Geneva, Switzerland (November).
2005 “OGM, le Sud fait sauter les tabous”, in Alternatives Internationales, Hors Serie-December 2005 (published in partnership with CERI-Science Po). Paris. pp.46-47.
2004 « L’Etat Japonais en Question: Rééquilibrages au Centre” (The Japanese State in Question: Reorganization at the Core), AGIR N°17, mars
2004. pp. 15-22. Paris, France: Societé de Strategie (publication focusing on geostrategic questions and international relations).
2003 Japan is Changing: Significant Reforms and New Debates in Post-1996 Japan: the Implications for Canada. Canada in Asia Series on Foreign Policy Dialogue. Vancouver: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.