Trade and Transit Facilitation Between Central Asia and South Asia In the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic

Tuesday June 23, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM


Moderator: Mr. Zahir Faqiri, Lead, Greater Central Asia Initiative


H.E. Hassan Soroosh, Ambassador of Afghanistan, Ottawa
H.E. Ajay Bisaria, High Commissioner of India, Ottawa
Mr. David Hartman, Director General of South Asia Bureau, Global Affairs Canada

The event seeks to:

  • Set a new path of inter-regional conversation that brings together voices from Central Asia (CA) and South Asia (SA) to discuss further diversification of trade and regional connectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Underscoring the significance of inter-regional cooperation, identifies challenges as well as ways to tackle these barriers vis-à-vis regional transit and trade facilitation between CA and SA during this pandemic.
  • Finding answers on how governments respond to the pandemic will have a lasting impact on the regions stability during and post COVID-19. Given the diverse and compact nature of the Central and South Asian region adds complexity fighting the pandemic. Measures to limit the virus’s spread have spurred massive economic contraction which is disproportionately affecting the region’s most vulnerable populations.

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