Promoting the Rights of Farmers and Workers in the Global South

Project Title: Promoting the Rights of Farmers and Workers in the Global South through Canada’s Upcoming Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation
Client: Fairtrade Canada
Students: Kirsten Badame, Meredith Barkey, Nozomi Shirakawa, Tanya Dawar
Faculty Lead: Kristen Hopewell
Fieldwork Location: Kenya
Year: 2023-24

About the Project: Fairtrade Canada, as a member of Fairtrade International, aims to carry the voices of rightsholders, particularly farmers and agricultural workers from the Global South who are part of the global Fair Trade movement. In line with the international Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD) legislations, Fairtrade Canada wants to further understand the larger impacts of HREDD on rightsholders and develop a policy report. The focus of this report is to investigate the potential burdens of these legislations on farmers, farm workers, and their communities.