The Youth Housing Crisis

Project Title: The Youth Housing Crisis: Barriers Youth Face in Accessing Housing in Urban Centres
Client: UN-Habitat – Human Rights and Social Inclusion Unit
Students: Annie Law, Dariel Filwood, Jamal Khamis, Priya Rai, Samira Hosseina
Faculty Lead: Tara Cookson
Fieldwork Location: Virtual – Global
Year: 2021-22

About the Project: UN-Habitat has identified that the specific experiences, needs and barriers of youth ages 18-29 transitioning into the housing market are insufficiently covered by policy debates and urban planning design. This research analyzed the diverse barriers that youth face when accessing safe, adequate and affordable housing across global urban centers, the findings of this project were provided to UN-Habitat in a policy report and final presentation to be used to inform policy pathways for addressing youth housing needs.

Key Words: Urban, Youth, Housing Crisis