IAR Research Fellows and Centre Directors gathered in the Choi Lounge
On October 20, 2023, the Institute of Asian research at SPPGA held an orientation to welcome 34 graduate students from across UBC as IAR Research Fellows. Fellows gathered in the C.K. Choi building for an introductory session with Dr. Kai Ostwald (IAR Director and SPPGA Professor) followed by a reception in the Choi Lounge.
These brilliant scholars have joined us for the duration of academic year 23-24 as part of the IAR Fellows program. A flagship of the IAR since 2021, this initiative brings together graduate students from across UBC to engage with crucial issues related to contemporary Asia and collaboratively advance research on the region. Each young scholar is connected to one of the six regional Centres and affiliated programs within IAR. Moreover, the program also incorporates regular opportunities for researchers across the Institute to engage with their peers and create possibilities for collaborative inter-regional work.
In addition to being embedded in a vibrant scholarly community, fellows receive research support through a stipend and a dedicated workspace. They are encouraged to share this research in public facing formats by publishing in prestigious journalistic outlets such as East Asia Forum, the Diplomat, and Foreign Affairs. During their time with the program, students are also invited to workshops designed to familiarize them with writing for a public audience and navigating journalistic publication.

Students connecting during a group activity at the Orientation
Our Research fellows for 2023-2024 include 16 PhD students, 8 MA students, one undergraduate, and 9 of our own MPPGA students. These young scholars come from 11 different departments and hence bring a breadth of disciplinary perspectives to their research on Asian affairs—ranging from Applied Sciences to Social Sciences to the Humanities.
We are excited for a wonderful year ahead with these emerging scholars. Welcome to the SPPGA community!
IAR 2023-24 Fellows
Centre for Chinese Research: Jimmy Lo (Theatre and Film), Jerry Yang (History), Minheng Chen (Sociology), Jiaxin Gu (Sociology), Rui Ding (Asian Studies), Amanda Doyle (SPPGA), Song Fu (SPPGA), Rachel Thibeault (SPPGA), Charlotte Bull (SPPGA)
Centre for India and South Asia Research: Viplav Subramanian (GRSJ), Manmit Singh (GRSJ), Vadivel Chinnadurai (Geography), Wajiha Mehdi (GRSJ), Fatima Afzal (History), Mahfida Tahniat (Educational Studies), Nishi Kant Dixit (SPPGA), Ankita Goyal (SPPGA)
Centre for Japanese Research: Bianca Chui (Asian Studies), Tara L. Brown (Forestry), Jiin Yoo (Education), Uno Kakegawa (Political Science)
Centre for Korean Research: King Kwong Wong (Asian Studies), Jisun Lee (Geography), Eunsil Choi (Political Science), Yeonjoo Kim (Education)
Centre for Southeast Asia Research: Thao Nguyen (Forestry), Kaung Kyaw ‘Calvin’ San (Political Science) Roxanne Angela Bella (Geography), Quinton Huang (History), Jia Suwatanapornchai (SPPGA)
Himalaya Program and Program on Inner Asia: Sampada KC (Political Science), Amrit Tamang (Anthropology), Maha Siddiqui (SPPGA), Elena Gordillo Fuertes (SPPGA)
Interested in becoming an IAR Fellow? Sign up for the IAR Newsletter and stay tuned for our next call for applications in Summer 2024. Learn more about the process here.