The Inter-American Democratic Charter: Monitoring Progress and Problems
Max A. Cameron, Pablo Policzer
May 19, 2004
The Inter-American Democratic Charter, signed by the members of the OAS on 11 September 2001, presents an unprecedented opportunity to promote and defend democracy in the Americas. On 19 May 2004, senior policy makers convened at the Carter Center in Atlanta to strengthen the Charter. Many of the participants were in attendance at an earlier conference held at the Liu Institute for Global Issues in November 2002. See Axworthy et al. ”The Inter-American Democratic Charter: Toward a Plan of Action.“
One of the recommendations of the Liu Institute meeting was to create a group of ”Friends of the Charter.“ The Carter Center took the lead on this initiative, and the meeting in Atlanta in May was intended to lay the foundation for the subsequent creation of this group.
Click here for “The Inter-American Democratic Charter: Toward a Plan of Action
Click here for “The Inter-American Democratic Charter: Monitoring Progress and Problems