MPPGA alumnus Andrés Delgado authored the Ecuador Internet Freedom Report

MPPGA alumnus Andrés Delgado authored the Ecuador Internet Freedom Report by Freedom House. Findings show that Ecuador’s internet freedom declined in the midst of frequent attacks against government critics online, including progovernment trolling, cyberattacks, legal and physical threats.

Read the full report here.

Key Developments: 

JUNE 2016–MAY 2017

  • Politically motivated takedown requests for alleged copyright violations targeted online news outlets and the websites of human rights organizations.
  • A law approved in December 2016 raised concerns among digital activists fearing increased government control over online content, by reasserting internet as a public service, as well as enabling the state’s Institute of Intellectual Property to directly order the “suspension” of digital content for alleged copyright infringement.
  • In the lead-up to presidential elections, social media accounts belonging to politicians, journalists and opposition activists were hijacked and used to disseminate messages against the opposition’s vice presidential candidate.