MPPGA Students & IAR Fellows: The Hurdles Facing Mongolia’s Overseas Voters

The Hurdles Facing Mongolia’s Overseas Voters

UBC Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs students Anoushka Chandarana, Anthony Coompson, Jemimah Ogundele, and Hari Narayan write in The Diplomat about the challenges overseas Mongolians face to vote in key elections and the implications this has for democracy. This publication emerged from the students’ intensive Global Policy Project, where they worked closely with their client, the International Organization for Migration, Mission to Mongolia (IOM Mongolia), on “Activating the Mongolian Diaspora.”

Anoushka Chandarana and Hari Narayan are also Fellows at the Institute of Asian Research at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs. The IAR Fellows program brings together UBC graduate students with an interest in advancing research that addresses a broad range of issues and is based on engagement with and deep knowledge of Asia.

Read The Hurdles Facing Mongolia’s Overseas Voters