The Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs program at the UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs held a major virtual networking event on March 5, 2021 to provide first year MPPGA students an opportunity to engage directly with policy professionals. Second year MPPGA students attended as well.
Students met with three separate policy professionals in one-on-one or small group networking conversations for 20 minutes each. The conversations were structured in a way that allowed students to practice their formal introductions and broaden their perspectives on what a policy career entails. Multiple conversations allowed students to fine-tune their introductions and pitches with policy professionals.
“This is the best use of 60 minutes one could make as an MPPGA student and future policy maker.” – MPPGA Student
Professionals came from diverse backgrounds, including the federal government, non-profit foundations, and multinational organizations. Some included Consul Generals and diplomats.
“This format actually allowed for more meaningful interaction than you would get if you were mingling in the room.” – Professional
Students reflected on the encouragement and positive feedback that they received from distinguished professionals and the ability to form connections that can support their career growth.
“I really appreciated the diversity of professionals to engage with at this session, including individuals I would never have thought I’d get a chance to connect with as a student. This has been a highlight of the whole school year!” – MPPGA Student