Research Network on Women, Peace and Security Launches New Website

Research Network on Women, Peace and Security

The Research Network on Women, Peace and Security has launched a new website:

Working together with the Government of Canada’s Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) program, the Research Network on Women, Peace and Security (RN-WPS) is a network of leading scholars and practitioners that will investigate the gendered impacts of defence.

The three co-Directors include: Jennifer Welsh, Canada 150 Research Chair in Global Governance and Security, Director, Centre for International Peace and Security Studies, McGill University; Yolande Bouka, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Studies, Queen’s University; and Erin Baines, Ivan Head South-North Chair and Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia.

The RN-WPS will learn from and prepare a new generation to better understand, respond and imagine alternative futures to urgent policy issues such as climate change, the pandemic, and deepening global inequalities and insecurities.”
– Professor Erin Baines, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, UBC

The aim of the Network is to mobilise Canadian-based expertise on issues related to the WPS agenda, and more broadly, to the intersections of militarism, (in)security, settler-colonialism, gender, race, sexuality and disability. In particular, it will facilitate knowledge exchange among researchers working in Canadian institutions, support and initiate innovative and multidisciplinary research, and diffuse research results to an academic, policy-making and general public audience on three strategic challenges:

  • Canada’s Defence Relations: Conflict prevention and the implementation of WPS.
  • Anticipate Future Challenges: How is the future of conflict gendered and what are the impacts on Canada’s capability needs?
  • Climate Change: A growing, multidimensional and gender-differentiated threat to national resilience.

The network’s program will include activities such as symposia, roundtables, student training, Canada-Global South cooperation, research-practice exchange, and teaching mobility.

Visit the website regularly for forthcoming symposia and further ways to become engaged.