Special Issue – International Insights: Rwanda and the Great Lakes: Ten Years On From Genocide

Special Issue – International Insights: Rwanda and the Great Lakes: Ten Years On From Genocide
Edited by Susan M. Thomson and J. Zoë Wilson
July 21, 2005

This Special Issue of International Insights entitled, Rwanda and the Great Lakes: Ten Years On From Genocide (June 2005), will be of great interest to scholars and activists working towards peace in the Great Lakes Region (GLR) of Africa. Commissioned as part of the Canadian series of events to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, the Special Issue includes submissions from authors on three continents, and in two languages. It includes contributions by Gareth Evans, co-author of The Responsibility to Protect Report, former Canadian Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy, Globe & Mail Africa correspondent Stephanie Nolan, Remembering Rwanda Co-ordinator Gerald Caplan and, most importantly, new African voices from the GLR.

The result is a cross-section of articles about the politics of memorializing the genocide, the failures of the international community to respond to Rwanda’s genocide, and emergent domestic legacies of the 1994 genocide. The Special Issue also addresses the challenges of absorbing the lessons of Rwanda and the challenges of humanitarian intervention in light of The Responsibility to Protect Report. Three French-language articles from the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the challenges and constraints facing civil society there are also featured, as well as four book reviews.

The Editorial Board was comprised of the Liu Institute Conflict and Development Program External Associates Susan M. Thomson and J. Zoë Wilson. The CDP website is: http://www.human-security-africa.ca/

It is available on the web:http://centreforforeignpolicystudies.dal.ca/insights/RwandaAndTheGreatLakes.pdf

Hard copies are available for purchase from:
Centre for Foreign Policy Studies
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 4H6

Click here for the full report