Nicole So:
“My co-op term at GAC has been challenging, but also incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. Working in the Strategic Policy branch and in the International Assistance Envelope Management unit, we report on Canada’s international assistance delivery. Right now, we are working on a report to the parliament about Canada’s Official Development Assistance. On top of that, I have also created background briefs, meeting notes and recommendations for the G7, OECD-DAC Peer Review, Canada’s Universal Periodic Review (for the UN Human Rights Council), as well as for the parliamentary secretary on Budget 2018 and Canada’s role in gender equality.
All that is to say, it has been an exciting summer thus far; and I jumped right into work after returning from a global seminar in Chongqing with Dr. Yves Tiberghien.”

Juliana Craig:
“My term at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong has granted me the opportunity to explore my own interests whilst developing key professional skills. Whilst working in a business development capacity, I also applied my knowledge of policy to the Chamber’s committees and advocacy initiatives.
Part of my work at the Chamber has involved researching for and co-writing the Chamber’s annual policy submission to the Hong Kong Government, ahead of the Chief Executive’s annual policy address. Developing recommendations on behalf of the Canadian business community gave me new perspective on the intersection of public policy on business. It is exciting to know that the small role I played in the Chamber’s advocacy initiatives could influence policy decisions in Hong Kong and further strengthen Canada-Hong Kong ties.
During my internship, I took part in the Chamber’s Sustainable Development Committee initiatives among others. Having grown up in Hong Kong, I have a vested interest in the city’s transition towards green energy, greater equality, and a better quality of life. Meeting local and Canadian professionals in the field of sustainable development further strengthened my interest in the area and I look forward to returning to the MPPGA program to apply what I have learned from this experience.”

Alfonso Hernandez Delgadillo:
MPPGA student Alfonso Hernandez worked this summer as General Operations Consultant with the Inter American Development Bank in Washington, DC. He considers this as a lifetime experience where he had the opportunity to apply the skills gained during his first year at UBC School of Public Policy while learning from highly qualified and passionate professionals that work every day improving lives in Latin America and the Carribean and contributing to the analysis of projects’ proposals for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay.