The Cooling of Hearts

The Cooling of Hearts
Erin Baines, Liu Faculty, UBC

Justice and Reconciliation Project
July 17, 2007

Community Truth-Telling in Acholi-land examines community-level mechanisms that might facilitate a process of truth-telling at that level in northern Uganda. We explore the desires and fears of the war-affected populace in learning the truth about the now 21-year-old conflict. Researched over a two-month period in all four districts of Acholi-land, it provides important new insights into current debates in the country and at the Juba peace talks on how justice could be served in northern Uganda.

Click here to download the report.

The Justice and Reconciliation Project works with youth and their communities to strengthen locally owned approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants, justice and reconciliation in war torn northern Uganda. The project was co-founded by the Liu Institute for Global Issues and the Gulu District NGO Forum, Northern Uganda.  It has a field office in Gulu, northern Uganda and satellite offices in Amuru, Kitgum and Pader.

For more information on JRP, visit