With or Without Peace: Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration in Northern Uganda
Erin Baines, Liu Faculty, UBC
February 28, 2008
Justice and Reconciliation Project
Special Issue with Quaker Peace and Social Witness
Field Notes, No. 6, February 2008
As parties to the historic peace process in Juba, South Sudan meet this week to discuss the final agreement on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (Agreement 4), the Justice and Reconciliation Project and Quaker Peace and Social Witness are pleased to release the Field Note, With or Without Peace. In this Field Note, we present a rigorous interpretation of discussions with hundreds of former LRA about the Juba Talks and prospects for sustainable DDR. We argue that the next agreement on DDR must take into account questions of justice, reconciliation, gender and livelihood of foot soldiers.
Please click here to read the full report.
The report can also be found on www.justiceandreconciliation.com