Erin Baines
Research Expertise
Geographic Expertise
Erin Baines is Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs (SPPGA) at the University of British Columbia. Her research interests include transitional justice, the politics of humanitarianism and forced displacement and the study of gender, youth, and armed conflict.
She sits on the editorial board of the International Journal of Transitional Justice and is the co-founder of the Justice and Reconciliation Project (JRP) in Gulu, Uganda.
Her research attends to the ways former combatants, survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and children ‘born of war’ remake and reimagine their worlds in the wash of war violence. She is author of Vulnerable Bodies: Gender, the UN and the Global Refugee Crisis (Ashgate, 2017) and Buried in the Heart: Complex victimhood and the war in northern Uganda (Cambridge, 2017).
Erin has worked in collaboration with the Justice and Reconciliation Project and Women’s Advocacy Network in northern Uganda to document and promote survivor-centred approaches to justice and social repair since 2004.
She is a principal investigator in a SSHRC-Insight Grant on Fatherhood and Forced Marriage; a co-applicant and partner in the SSHRC Partnership Grant on Conjugal Slavery in War Partnership; and a co-principal investigator of the SSHRC Partnership Development grant on Transformative Memory. Erin is also co-lead of the Memory and Justice Research Stream at UBC, an interdisciplinary space for graduate students, activists and artists to exchange, learn and create.
Current Research Grants
- Co-Principal Investigator with Riaño-Alcalá – Transformative Memory: Strengthening an International Partnership SSHRC Partnership Development Grant (2018-2021)
- Principal Investigator – Fatherhood in Wartime, SSHRC Insight Grant (2015-2020)
- Co-applicant – Conjugal Slavery in Wartime, Annie Bunting (PI), SSHRC PG (2014-2019)
- Principal Investigator – Child Tracing in Northern Uganda, PWIAS (2016-2018)
- The Research Network on Women, Peace and Security
- UBC Memory and Justice Stream (with Professor Pilar Riaño-Alcalá, Social Justice Institute, UBC)
Baines, Erin. Buried in the Heart: Women, Complex Victimhood and the War in Northern Uganda (Cambridge, 2016).
Amony, Evelyn. I am Evelyn Amony: Reclaiming my life from the Lord’s Resistance Army. Edited with an Introduction by Erin Baines (University of Wisconsin Press, 2015).
Baines, Erin. Vulnerable Bodies: Gender, the UN and the Global Refugee Crisis (London: Ashgate Publishing, 2007).
Articles and Book Chapters
Divija P. Madhani and Erin Baines. “Fatherhood in the time of war and peace: the experiences of demobilized male soldiers in northern Uganda” Women’s Studies International Forum, Forthcoming, 2020.
Oliveira, Camile, and Erin Baines. “Children ‘born of war’: a role for fathers?.” International Affairs 96.2 (2020): 439-455.
Baines, Erin and Camile Oliveira. “Securing the Future: Transformative Justice and Children ‘Born of War’.” Social & Legal Studies (2020)
Mutsonziwa, Tinashe BC, Ketty Anyeko, and Erin Baines. “Child tracing: locating the paternal homes of “children born of war”.” Development in Practice (2020): 1-10.
Fobear, Katherine, and Erin Baines. “Pushing the conversation forward: the intersections of sexuality and gender identity in transitional justice.” (2020): 307-312.
Waldron, Thea, and Erin Baines. “Gender and Embodied War Knowledge.” Journal of Human Rights Practice 11.2 (2019): 393-405.
Matarazzo, Anthony, and Erin Baines. “Becoming family: futurity and the soldier-father.” Critical Military Studies (2019): 1-18.
Aijazi, Omer, and Erin Baines. “Relationality, Culpability and Consent in Wartime: Men’s Experiences of Forced Marriage.” International Journal of Transitional Justice 11.3 (2017): 463- 483.
Victor Igreja and Erin Baines. “Social trauma and recovery: Emergent themes”, in Companion to the Anthropology of Africa, Edited by Richard Grinker et al. Wiley-Blackwell, Noboken, NJ.
Erin Baines. “Complex Victimhood and Social Reconstruction after War and Displacement” in Refugees, Peacebuilding and Resolving Displacement: Shaping the Struggles of their Times. Edited by Megan Bradley, James Milner and Blair Peruniak, Georgetown University Press, Washington DC.
Omer Aijazi, Evelyn Amony and Erin Baines. Forthcoming, ‘We were controlled, we were not allowed to express our sexuality, our intimacy was suppressed.’ Edited by Mark Drumbl and Jastine Barrett, Research Handbook on Child Soldiers.
Erin Baines. “Today, I Want to Speak Out the Truth”: Victim Agency, Responsibility, and Transitional Justice.” International Political Sociology (2015).
Amony, Evelyn. I Am Evelyn Amony: Life in and After the LRA. Edited with an Introduction and History Chapter by Erin Baines (University of Wisconsin, 2015).
Erin Baines. ‘Forced Marriage as a Political Project: Sexual Rules and Regulations in the Lord’s Resistance Army,’ Journal of Peace Research, 51.3 (2014).
Erin Baines and Lara Rosenoff Gauvin. ‘Motherhood and social repair after war and displacement in northern Uganda,’ Journal of Refugee Studies, Special Issue, March (2014).
Amony, Evelyn and Erin Baines. ‘Human Rights in Transitions from Conflict’. Human Rights: The Hard Questions. Ed. Cindy Holder and David Reidy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres (2013).
Muldoon, Katherine A., M Ajok, M Akello, Z Petruf, P Nguyen, E Baines and K Shannon. “After abduction: exploring access to reintegration programs and mental health status among young female abductees in Northern Uganda.” Conflict and health, 8.1 (2014): 1-9.
Dharamsi, S., Nashon, S., Wong, A., Bain, P., McElligott, K., & Baines, E. (2013). Saving Africa: A critical study of advocacy and outreach initiatives by university students. Journal of Global Citizenship & Equity Education, 3(1), 53-67.
Riaño-Alcalá, Pilar, and Erin Baines. Editorial Note, Special Issue on Transitional Justice and the Everyday, International Journal of Transitional Justice, 6.3 (2012)
Riaño-Alcalá, Pilar, and Erin Baines Cuando el archivo está en el testigo: documentación en escenarios de inseguridad crónica. Análisis Político, 25.74 (2012): 49-70.
Baines, Erin and Emily Paddon ‘This is how we survived’: Civilian agency and humanitarian protection, Security Dialogue, 43.3 (2012): 231-247.
Baines, Erin Gender, Responsibility, and the Grey Zone: Considerations for Transitional Justice, Journal of Human Rights, 10.4 (2011): 477-493.
Baines, Erin and Beth Stewart ‘I cannot accept what I have not done’: Storytelling as Transitional Justice, Journal of Human Rights Practice, (2011).
Riaño-Alcalá, Pilar, and Erin Baines. The archive in the witness: Documentation in settings of chronic insecurity.” International Journal of Transitional Justice, 5.3 (2011): 412-433.
Ketty Anyeko, Erin Baines, Emon Komakech, Boniface Ojok, Lino Owor Ogora and Letha Victor, ‘The Cooling of Hearts: Community Approaches to Truth Telling in northern Uganda,’ Human Rights Review, (2011).
Baines, Erin, Nadine Harris and Kyle McLeery ‘Death is painful, so it is better to be holding a gun’: Dis/re-armament decisions of formerly abducted persons in Northern Uganda Conflict, Security and Development, 10:5 (2010), 625-645.
Baines, Erin Spirits and Social Reconstruction: Rethinking Transitional Justice, African Affairs, 109:436 (2010), 409-439.
Baines, Erin Complex Political Perpetrators: Reflections on Dominic Ongwen, Journal of Modern African Studies, 47:2 (2009), 163-191.
Baines, Erin. The Haunting of Alice: Local Approaches to Transitional Justice in Northern Uganda. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1:1 (2007).
Baines, Erin. ‘Gender Research in Violently Divided Societies: On ethics and methods of ‘international’ researchers’, Researching Conflict in Africa, Ed. Elizabeth Porter. UNU Publication (2005).
Baines, Erin. ‘Les Femmes Aux Mille Bras: Gender and the Politics of Peace in Post-Genocide Rwanda’, Gender, Armed Conflict, and Peacekeeping, Ed. Dyan Mazurana, Angela Raven-Roberts and Jane Parpart. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers (2004).
Baines, Erin. Scholarship, Advocacy and the Gender Politics of Refuge: An essay on the historical relevance of the transnational campaign on refugee women, The Henry Frank Guggenheim Review, (2004).
Baines, Erin. Body Politics and the Rwanda Crisis, Third World Quarterly, 24.3 (2003): 479-493.
Baines, Erin. ‘The Contradictions of Canadian Commitments to Refugee Women’ Feminist Perspectives in Canadian Foreign Policy. C. Sjolander, H. Smith and D. Stienstra (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press (2003)
Baines, Erin. Becoming Visible: Refugee Women and Transnational Advocacy, 1980-1990, Refugee Studies Quarterly, 21.Special Issue on Refugee Women (2002).
Baines, Erin and Barry Burciul. Children and Armed Conflict: Meeting the Challenge of Diversity, Journal of Canadian Foreign Policy, 8.1 (2000).
Baines, Erin. ‘Gender Construction and the Protection Mandate of the UNHCR: Responses from Guatemalan Women’, Gender Politics in Global Governance, Ed. M.K. Meyer and E. Prugl. Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers (1999).
Graduate Supervision
Graduate Supervision
Ketty Ayeko, ISGP
Beth Stewart, GRSJ (2017)
Laura Lee, ISGP (2015)
Katherine Forbear, GRSJ (2016)
Juliane Okot Bitek, ISGP
Adi Burton, ISGP
Anson Ching, Political Science (2018)
Salma Essam El Din El Refaei, Political Science (2018)
Elise Sammons, Political Science (2014)
Natalie Hill, GRSJ (2011)
Hannah van Voorthuysen, Political Science (2011)
Sachi Wickramasinghe, MJ (2014)
Kimberly Hunter, Political Science (2014)
Stefana Fratila, Political Science (2016)
Joao Correa, MJ (2016)
Graduate Committees
Omer Aijazi, Education Studies
Wagd Jafer (Political Science)
Eberechi Ifeonu, Law (2015)
Ricardo Chaparro-Pacheco, Social Work
Alison James, Political Science
Anastasia Shesterinina, Political Science (2015)
Lara Rosenoff Gauvin, Anthropology (2016)
Alejandra Gaviria Serna, GRSJ
Chrissie Arnold, Educational Studies (2015)
Chris Mullen (2015)
Nichole Gibillini (2013) Farida Hussein, MJ (2012)
Postdoctoral Students
Dr. Eunyoung Choi, Postdoctoral Fellow, Geography, (2010-2012)
Dr. Erin Jessee, Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Anthropology, (2012-2013)
Dr. Carla Suarez, Killam and SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Political Science, (2018-2020)