Marco Zenone

Banting Postdoctoral Fellow
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Geographic Expertise


Marco Zenone (he/him) is a global health policy researcher working to create safer online environments for vulnerable and underserved groups. His research (1) critically examines digital platforms for their contributions to global public health harms, (2) monitors and preemptively debunks harmful health dis-and-misinformation, and (3) democratizes science communication and promotes public engagement in science. His work is guided by the commercial and digital determinants of health. Marco has published 38 peer-reviewed research articles in journals such as the BMJ, The Lancet, American Journal of Public Health, and JAMA Network Open. His work has been featured in news outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, The Verge, The Toronto Star, and CBC. Marco completed his doctoral training in the Department of Global Health and Development in the Faculty of Public Health and Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London.



Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Zenone M, Marcon A, Kenworthy N, van Schalkwyk M, Caulfield T, Hartwell G, Maani N. Google allows advertisers to target the sensitive informational queries of cancer patients. HKS Misinformation Review. 2024;5(7).

Zenone M, Kenworthy N. Should WHO Partner with TikTok to Combat Misinformation? The Lancet. 2024;404(10467):2046-2047.

Zenone M, van Schalkwyk M, Hartwell G, Caulfield T, Maani N. Selling Misleading “Cancer Cure” Books on Amazon: Systematic Search on and Thematic Analysis. JMIR. 2024;26:e56354.

Hartwell G, Gill M, Zenone M, McKee M. Smartphones, social media, and teenage mental health. BMJ. 2024;385:E079828.

Zenone M, Snyder J, van Schalkwyk M, Bélisle-Pipon JC, Hartwell G, Caulfield T, Maani N. Alternative cancer clinics’ use of Google listings and reviews to mislead potential patients. BJC Reports. 2024;2(1):55.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Grewal A, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding for Complementary and Alternative Cancer Treatment in Tijuana, Mexico: Content Analysis. JMIR Cancer. 2024;10:e52018.

Turuba R, Cormier W, Zimmerman R, Ow N, Zenone M, Quintana Y, Jenkins E, Ben-David S, Raimundo A, Marcon A, Mathias S, Henerson J, Barbic S. Exploring how youth use TikTok for mental health information in British Columbia: Semi structured interview study with youth. JMIR Infodemiology. 2024;4(1):e53233.

Guegan E, Zenone M, Mialon M, Gallopel-Morvan K. Portrayals of popular alcohol influencer’s videos on TikTok. BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):1384.

31. Marcon A, Zenone M, Caulfield T. The Portrayal of Organ Donation on TikTok: A Content Analysis of Popular English-Language TikTok Videos. Digital Health. 2023;9.

Snyder J, Zenone M. Vaccine Related Crowdfunding on a ‘Freedom Fundraising’ Platform. PLOS One. 2023;18(7):e0288539.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Belisle-Pipon JC, Caulfield T, van Schalkwyk M, Maani N. Advertising Alternative Cancer Treatments and Approaches on Meta Social Media Platforms: Content Analysis. JMIR Infodemiology. 2023;3(1):e43548.

Chasca W, Nerada S, Zenone M, Barbic S. TikTok and #OccupationalTherapy: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Formative Research. 2023;7(1):e45554.

Bagenal J, Zenone M, Barbic S, Maani N. Embracing the Non-Traditional: Alcohol Advertising on TikTok. BMJ Global Health. 2023;8(1):e009954.

Zenone M, Caulfield T. Using Data From a Short Video Social Media Platform to Identify Emergent Monkeypox Conspiracy Theories. JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(10): e2236993.

Zenone M, Kenworthy N, Maani N. The Social Media Industry as a Commercial Determinant of Health. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2022. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm. 2022.6840.

Zenone M, Caulfield T. Newspaper Coverage of COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Organ Transplant. JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(12): e2248800.

Van Schalkwyk M, Zenone M, Maani N, Petticrew M, McKee M. Back to our Roots or Sowing New Seeds: Thinking Anew on the Paradigms of Health, Harm and Disease. Journal of Public Health. 2022;44(1):i28-i33.

Barbic S, Brooks E, Lassak N, Khaleghi M, Zenone M, Ow N, Leon A, Matthias S. “It Cannot be Boring!”: Developing a Measure of Function for Young Adults Accessing Integrated Youth Services. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2022;6(1):92.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Marcon A, Caulfield T. Analyzing Natural Herd Immunity Media Discourse in the United Kingdom and the United States. PLOS Global Public Health. 2022;2(1):e000078.

Zenone M, Raimundo A, Nanji S, Neha U, Karen T, et al. Implementing Integrated-Youth Services Virtually in British Columbia during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Integrated Healthcare Journal. 2022;4:e000089.

Zenone M, Ow N, Barbic S. TikTok and Public Health: A Proposed Research Agenda. BMJ Global Health. 2021;6:e007648.

Zenone M, Kenworthy N. Pre-Emption Strategies to Block Taxes on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: A Framing Analysis of Facebook Advertising in Support of Washington State Initiative-1634. Global Public Health. 2021;17(9):1854-1867.

Zenone M, Kenworthy N, Barbic S. The Paradoxical Relationship Between Health Promotion and the Social Media Industry. Health Promotion Practice. 2021;21(5):684-686.

Zenone M, Hawkins B. Powerful Allies and Weak Consensus: Towards a Deeper Understanding of how Health-Harming Industries Seek to Influence Global Health Governance. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2021.

Lee K, Freudenberg N, Zenone M, Smith J, Mialon M, Marten R, Lima J, Friel S, Eisenkraft D, Crosbie E, Buse K. Measuring the commercial determinants of health and disease: A proposed framework. International Journal of Health Services. 2021;52(1):115-128.

Freudenberg N, Lee K, Buse K, Collin J, Crosbie E, Friel S, Eisenkraft D, Lima J, Marten R, Mialon M, Zenone M. Defining Priorities for Research and Action on the Commercial Determinants of Health: A Conceptual Review. The American Journal of Public Health. 2021;111(12):2202-2211.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Crooks V. Selling Cannabidiol Products in Canada: A Framing Analysis of Advertising Claims by Online Retailers. BMC Public Health. 2021;21:1285.

Pattison R. Puyat J, Giesbrecht A, Zenone M, Mathias S, Barbic S. Examining Mental Health Differences Between Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Cisgender Young People in British Columbia. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021:1660.

Zenone M, Silva D, Smith J, Lee K. How Does the British Soft Drinks Association Respond to Media Reporting of Research Against Their Interests? Globalization and Health. 2021;17:72.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Crooks V. What are the Informational Pathways that Shape People’s Use of Cannabidiol for Medical Purpose? Journal of Cannabis Research. 2021;3:13.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding Campaigns and COVID-19 Misinformation. American Journal of Public Health. 2021;111(4):739-742.

Zenone M, Cianfrone M, Sharma R, Majid S, Rakhra J, Cruz K, Costales S, Sekhon S, Mathias S, Tugwell A, Barbic S. Supporting youth 12–24 during the COVID-19 pandemic: how Foundry is mobilizing to provide information, resources and hope across the province of British Columbia. Global Health Promotion. 2021;28(1):51-59.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: What are Cancer Patients Seeking? PLoS One. 2020;15(11):e0242048.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding Cannabidiol (CBD): Hype and Misinformation on GoFundMe. American Journal of Public Health. 2020;110(S3):S294-S299.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Crooks V, Schuurman N. What Medical Crowdfunding Campaigns Can Tell Us About Local Health System Gaps and Deficiencies: Exploratory Analysis of British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020;22(5):e16982.

Zenone M, Irving P, Cianfrone M, Lockhart L, Costales S, Cruz K, Ignacio J. Increasing Awareness of a Provincial Mental Health Resource for Boys and Young Men 12 to 17 Years: Reflections from Foundry’s Province-Wide Campaign. Health Promotion Practice. 2020;21(5):684-686.

Zenone M, Snyder J. Crowdfunding Abortion: An Exploratory Thematic Analysis of Fundraising for a Stigmatized Medical Procedure. BMC Women’s Health. 2020;20:1-7.

Zenone M, Snyder J. Fraud in Medical Crowdfunding: A Typology of Publicized Cases and Policy Recommendations. Policy & Internet. 2019;11(2):215-234.

Marco Zenone

Banting Postdoctoral Fellow
file_download Download CV
Geographic Expertise


Marco Zenone (he/him) is a global health policy researcher working to create safer online environments for vulnerable and underserved groups. His research (1) critically examines digital platforms for their contributions to global public health harms, (2) monitors and preemptively debunks harmful health dis-and-misinformation, and (3) democratizes science communication and promotes public engagement in science. His work is guided by the commercial and digital determinants of health. Marco has published 38 peer-reviewed research articles in journals such as the BMJ, The Lancet, American Journal of Public Health, and JAMA Network Open. His work has been featured in news outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, The Verge, The Toronto Star, and CBC. Marco completed his doctoral training in the Department of Global Health and Development in the Faculty of Public Health and Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London.



Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Zenone M, Marcon A, Kenworthy N, van Schalkwyk M, Caulfield T, Hartwell G, Maani N. Google allows advertisers to target the sensitive informational queries of cancer patients. HKS Misinformation Review. 2024;5(7).

Zenone M, Kenworthy N. Should WHO Partner with TikTok to Combat Misinformation? The Lancet. 2024;404(10467):2046-2047.

Zenone M, van Schalkwyk M, Hartwell G, Caulfield T, Maani N. Selling Misleading “Cancer Cure” Books on Amazon: Systematic Search on and Thematic Analysis. JMIR. 2024;26:e56354.

Hartwell G, Gill M, Zenone M, McKee M. Smartphones, social media, and teenage mental health. BMJ. 2024;385:E079828.

Zenone M, Snyder J, van Schalkwyk M, Bélisle-Pipon JC, Hartwell G, Caulfield T, Maani N. Alternative cancer clinics’ use of Google listings and reviews to mislead potential patients. BJC Reports. 2024;2(1):55.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Grewal A, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding for Complementary and Alternative Cancer Treatment in Tijuana, Mexico: Content Analysis. JMIR Cancer. 2024;10:e52018.

Turuba R, Cormier W, Zimmerman R, Ow N, Zenone M, Quintana Y, Jenkins E, Ben-David S, Raimundo A, Marcon A, Mathias S, Henerson J, Barbic S. Exploring how youth use TikTok for mental health information in British Columbia: Semi structured interview study with youth. JMIR Infodemiology. 2024;4(1):e53233.

Guegan E, Zenone M, Mialon M, Gallopel-Morvan K. Portrayals of popular alcohol influencer’s videos on TikTok. BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):1384.

31. Marcon A, Zenone M, Caulfield T. The Portrayal of Organ Donation on TikTok: A Content Analysis of Popular English-Language TikTok Videos. Digital Health. 2023;9.

Snyder J, Zenone M. Vaccine Related Crowdfunding on a ‘Freedom Fundraising’ Platform. PLOS One. 2023;18(7):e0288539.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Belisle-Pipon JC, Caulfield T, van Schalkwyk M, Maani N. Advertising Alternative Cancer Treatments and Approaches on Meta Social Media Platforms: Content Analysis. JMIR Infodemiology. 2023;3(1):e43548.

Chasca W, Nerada S, Zenone M, Barbic S. TikTok and #OccupationalTherapy: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Formative Research. 2023;7(1):e45554.

Bagenal J, Zenone M, Barbic S, Maani N. Embracing the Non-Traditional: Alcohol Advertising on TikTok. BMJ Global Health. 2023;8(1):e009954.

Zenone M, Caulfield T. Using Data From a Short Video Social Media Platform to Identify Emergent Monkeypox Conspiracy Theories. JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(10): e2236993.

Zenone M, Kenworthy N, Maani N. The Social Media Industry as a Commercial Determinant of Health. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2022. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm. 2022.6840.

Zenone M, Caulfield T. Newspaper Coverage of COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Organ Transplant. JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(12): e2248800.

Van Schalkwyk M, Zenone M, Maani N, Petticrew M, McKee M. Back to our Roots or Sowing New Seeds: Thinking Anew on the Paradigms of Health, Harm and Disease. Journal of Public Health. 2022;44(1):i28-i33.

Barbic S, Brooks E, Lassak N, Khaleghi M, Zenone M, Ow N, Leon A, Matthias S. “It Cannot be Boring!”: Developing a Measure of Function for Young Adults Accessing Integrated Youth Services. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2022;6(1):92.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Marcon A, Caulfield T. Analyzing Natural Herd Immunity Media Discourse in the United Kingdom and the United States. PLOS Global Public Health. 2022;2(1):e000078.

Zenone M, Raimundo A, Nanji S, Neha U, Karen T, et al. Implementing Integrated-Youth Services Virtually in British Columbia during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Integrated Healthcare Journal. 2022;4:e000089.

Zenone M, Ow N, Barbic S. TikTok and Public Health: A Proposed Research Agenda. BMJ Global Health. 2021;6:e007648.

Zenone M, Kenworthy N. Pre-Emption Strategies to Block Taxes on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: A Framing Analysis of Facebook Advertising in Support of Washington State Initiative-1634. Global Public Health. 2021;17(9):1854-1867.

Zenone M, Kenworthy N, Barbic S. The Paradoxical Relationship Between Health Promotion and the Social Media Industry. Health Promotion Practice. 2021;21(5):684-686.

Zenone M, Hawkins B. Powerful Allies and Weak Consensus: Towards a Deeper Understanding of how Health-Harming Industries Seek to Influence Global Health Governance. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2021.

Lee K, Freudenberg N, Zenone M, Smith J, Mialon M, Marten R, Lima J, Friel S, Eisenkraft D, Crosbie E, Buse K. Measuring the commercial determinants of health and disease: A proposed framework. International Journal of Health Services. 2021;52(1):115-128.

Freudenberg N, Lee K, Buse K, Collin J, Crosbie E, Friel S, Eisenkraft D, Lima J, Marten R, Mialon M, Zenone M. Defining Priorities for Research and Action on the Commercial Determinants of Health: A Conceptual Review. The American Journal of Public Health. 2021;111(12):2202-2211.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Crooks V. Selling Cannabidiol Products in Canada: A Framing Analysis of Advertising Claims by Online Retailers. BMC Public Health. 2021;21:1285.

Pattison R. Puyat J, Giesbrecht A, Zenone M, Mathias S, Barbic S. Examining Mental Health Differences Between Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Cisgender Young People in British Columbia. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021:1660.

Zenone M, Silva D, Smith J, Lee K. How Does the British Soft Drinks Association Respond to Media Reporting of Research Against Their Interests? Globalization and Health. 2021;17:72.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Crooks V. What are the Informational Pathways that Shape People’s Use of Cannabidiol for Medical Purpose? Journal of Cannabis Research. 2021;3:13.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding Campaigns and COVID-19 Misinformation. American Journal of Public Health. 2021;111(4):739-742.

Zenone M, Cianfrone M, Sharma R, Majid S, Rakhra J, Cruz K, Costales S, Sekhon S, Mathias S, Tugwell A, Barbic S. Supporting youth 12–24 during the COVID-19 pandemic: how Foundry is mobilizing to provide information, resources and hope across the province of British Columbia. Global Health Promotion. 2021;28(1):51-59.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: What are Cancer Patients Seeking? PLoS One. 2020;15(11):e0242048.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding Cannabidiol (CBD): Hype and Misinformation on GoFundMe. American Journal of Public Health. 2020;110(S3):S294-S299.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Crooks V, Schuurman N. What Medical Crowdfunding Campaigns Can Tell Us About Local Health System Gaps and Deficiencies: Exploratory Analysis of British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020;22(5):e16982.

Zenone M, Irving P, Cianfrone M, Lockhart L, Costales S, Cruz K, Ignacio J. Increasing Awareness of a Provincial Mental Health Resource for Boys and Young Men 12 to 17 Years: Reflections from Foundry’s Province-Wide Campaign. Health Promotion Practice. 2020;21(5):684-686.

Zenone M, Snyder J. Crowdfunding Abortion: An Exploratory Thematic Analysis of Fundraising for a Stigmatized Medical Procedure. BMC Women’s Health. 2020;20:1-7.

Zenone M, Snyder J. Fraud in Medical Crowdfunding: A Typology of Publicized Cases and Policy Recommendations. Policy & Internet. 2019;11(2):215-234.

Marco Zenone

Banting Postdoctoral Fellow
Geographic Expertise
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Marco Zenone (he/him) is a global health policy researcher working to create safer online environments for vulnerable and underserved groups. His research (1) critically examines digital platforms for their contributions to global public health harms, (2) monitors and preemptively debunks harmful health dis-and-misinformation, and (3) democratizes science communication and promotes public engagement in science. His work is guided by the commercial and digital determinants of health. Marco has published 38 peer-reviewed research articles in journals such as the BMJ, The Lancet, American Journal of Public Health, and JAMA Network Open. His work has been featured in news outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, The Verge, The Toronto Star, and CBC. Marco completed his doctoral training in the Department of Global Health and Development in the Faculty of Public Health and Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London.

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Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Zenone M, Marcon A, Kenworthy N, van Schalkwyk M, Caulfield T, Hartwell G, Maani N. Google allows advertisers to target the sensitive informational queries of cancer patients. HKS Misinformation Review. 2024;5(7).

Zenone M, Kenworthy N. Should WHO Partner with TikTok to Combat Misinformation? The Lancet. 2024;404(10467):2046-2047.

Zenone M, van Schalkwyk M, Hartwell G, Caulfield T, Maani N. Selling Misleading “Cancer Cure” Books on Amazon: Systematic Search on and Thematic Analysis. JMIR. 2024;26:e56354.

Hartwell G, Gill M, Zenone M, McKee M. Smartphones, social media, and teenage mental health. BMJ. 2024;385:E079828.

Zenone M, Snyder J, van Schalkwyk M, Bélisle-Pipon JC, Hartwell G, Caulfield T, Maani N. Alternative cancer clinics’ use of Google listings and reviews to mislead potential patients. BJC Reports. 2024;2(1):55.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Grewal A, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding for Complementary and Alternative Cancer Treatment in Tijuana, Mexico: Content Analysis. JMIR Cancer. 2024;10:e52018.

Turuba R, Cormier W, Zimmerman R, Ow N, Zenone M, Quintana Y, Jenkins E, Ben-David S, Raimundo A, Marcon A, Mathias S, Henerson J, Barbic S. Exploring how youth use TikTok for mental health information in British Columbia: Semi structured interview study with youth. JMIR Infodemiology. 2024;4(1):e53233.

Guegan E, Zenone M, Mialon M, Gallopel-Morvan K. Portrayals of popular alcohol influencer’s videos on TikTok. BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):1384.

31. Marcon A, Zenone M, Caulfield T. The Portrayal of Organ Donation on TikTok: A Content Analysis of Popular English-Language TikTok Videos. Digital Health. 2023;9.

Snyder J, Zenone M. Vaccine Related Crowdfunding on a ‘Freedom Fundraising’ Platform. PLOS One. 2023;18(7):e0288539.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Belisle-Pipon JC, Caulfield T, van Schalkwyk M, Maani N. Advertising Alternative Cancer Treatments and Approaches on Meta Social Media Platforms: Content Analysis. JMIR Infodemiology. 2023;3(1):e43548.

Chasca W, Nerada S, Zenone M, Barbic S. TikTok and #OccupationalTherapy: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Formative Research. 2023;7(1):e45554.

Bagenal J, Zenone M, Barbic S, Maani N. Embracing the Non-Traditional: Alcohol Advertising on TikTok. BMJ Global Health. 2023;8(1):e009954.

Zenone M, Caulfield T. Using Data From a Short Video Social Media Platform to Identify Emergent Monkeypox Conspiracy Theories. JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(10): e2236993.

Zenone M, Kenworthy N, Maani N. The Social Media Industry as a Commercial Determinant of Health. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2022. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm. 2022.6840.

Zenone M, Caulfield T. Newspaper Coverage of COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Organ Transplant. JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(12): e2248800.

Van Schalkwyk M, Zenone M, Maani N, Petticrew M, McKee M. Back to our Roots or Sowing New Seeds: Thinking Anew on the Paradigms of Health, Harm and Disease. Journal of Public Health. 2022;44(1):i28-i33.

Barbic S, Brooks E, Lassak N, Khaleghi M, Zenone M, Ow N, Leon A, Matthias S. “It Cannot be Boring!”: Developing a Measure of Function for Young Adults Accessing Integrated Youth Services. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2022;6(1):92.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Marcon A, Caulfield T. Analyzing Natural Herd Immunity Media Discourse in the United Kingdom and the United States. PLOS Global Public Health. 2022;2(1):e000078.

Zenone M, Raimundo A, Nanji S, Neha U, Karen T, et al. Implementing Integrated-Youth Services Virtually in British Columbia during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Integrated Healthcare Journal. 2022;4:e000089.

Zenone M, Ow N, Barbic S. TikTok and Public Health: A Proposed Research Agenda. BMJ Global Health. 2021;6:e007648.

Zenone M, Kenworthy N. Pre-Emption Strategies to Block Taxes on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: A Framing Analysis of Facebook Advertising in Support of Washington State Initiative-1634. Global Public Health. 2021;17(9):1854-1867.

Zenone M, Kenworthy N, Barbic S. The Paradoxical Relationship Between Health Promotion and the Social Media Industry. Health Promotion Practice. 2021;21(5):684-686.

Zenone M, Hawkins B. Powerful Allies and Weak Consensus: Towards a Deeper Understanding of how Health-Harming Industries Seek to Influence Global Health Governance. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2021.

Lee K, Freudenberg N, Zenone M, Smith J, Mialon M, Marten R, Lima J, Friel S, Eisenkraft D, Crosbie E, Buse K. Measuring the commercial determinants of health and disease: A proposed framework. International Journal of Health Services. 2021;52(1):115-128.

Freudenberg N, Lee K, Buse K, Collin J, Crosbie E, Friel S, Eisenkraft D, Lima J, Marten R, Mialon M, Zenone M. Defining Priorities for Research and Action on the Commercial Determinants of Health: A Conceptual Review. The American Journal of Public Health. 2021;111(12):2202-2211.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Crooks V. Selling Cannabidiol Products in Canada: A Framing Analysis of Advertising Claims by Online Retailers. BMC Public Health. 2021;21:1285.

Pattison R. Puyat J, Giesbrecht A, Zenone M, Mathias S, Barbic S. Examining Mental Health Differences Between Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Cisgender Young People in British Columbia. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021:1660.

Zenone M, Silva D, Smith J, Lee K. How Does the British Soft Drinks Association Respond to Media Reporting of Research Against Their Interests? Globalization and Health. 2021;17:72.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Crooks V. What are the Informational Pathways that Shape People’s Use of Cannabidiol for Medical Purpose? Journal of Cannabis Research. 2021;3:13.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding Campaigns and COVID-19 Misinformation. American Journal of Public Health. 2021;111(4):739-742.

Zenone M, Cianfrone M, Sharma R, Majid S, Rakhra J, Cruz K, Costales S, Sekhon S, Mathias S, Tugwell A, Barbic S. Supporting youth 12–24 during the COVID-19 pandemic: how Foundry is mobilizing to provide information, resources and hope across the province of British Columbia. Global Health Promotion. 2021;28(1):51-59.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: What are Cancer Patients Seeking? PLoS One. 2020;15(11):e0242048.

Zenone M, Snyder J, Caulfield T. Crowdfunding Cannabidiol (CBD): Hype and Misinformation on GoFundMe. American Journal of Public Health. 2020;110(S3):S294-S299.

Snyder J, Zenone M, Crooks V, Schuurman N. What Medical Crowdfunding Campaigns Can Tell Us About Local Health System Gaps and Deficiencies: Exploratory Analysis of British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020;22(5):e16982.

Zenone M, Irving P, Cianfrone M, Lockhart L, Costales S, Cruz K, Ignacio J. Increasing Awareness of a Provincial Mental Health Resource for Boys and Young Men 12 to 17 Years: Reflections from Foundry’s Province-Wide Campaign. Health Promotion Practice. 2020;21(5):684-686.

Zenone M, Snyder J. Crowdfunding Abortion: An Exploratory Thematic Analysis of Fundraising for a Stigmatized Medical Procedure. BMC Women’s Health. 2020;20:1-7.

Zenone M, Snyder J. Fraud in Medical Crowdfunding: A Typology of Publicized Cases and Policy Recommendations. Policy & Internet. 2019;11(2):215-234.