Milind Kandlikar
Research Expertise
Geographic Expertise
Milind Kandlikar is Professor at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs (SPPGA) and the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES). He is the former Director of IRES and his work focuses on the intersection of technology innovation, human development and the global environment. His current projects include cross-national comparisons of regulation of agricultural biotechnology; air quality in Indian cities; risks and benefits of nanotechnology; new technologies for sustainable transportation; and development and climate change.
Javed, Bassam, Amanda Giang, and Milind Kandlikar. Variability in costs of electrifying passenger cars in Canada. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2024.
Sidhu, B. S., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., Kandlikar, M. How can machine learning help in understanding the impact of climate change on crop yields? Environmental Research Letters, 2023.
Bhatt, R., Giang, A., Kandlikar, M. Incentivizing alternatives to agricultural waste burning in Northern India: trust, awareness, and access as barriers to adoption. Environment Systems and Decisions, 1-13, 2023.
Nawaz, S., & Kandlikar, M. (2021). Drawing Lines in the Sand? Paths Forward for Triggering Regulation of Gene-Edited Crops. Science and Public Policy, 48(2), 246-256.
Findlater, K., Webber, S., Kandlikar, M., & Donner, S. (2021). Climate services promise better decisions but mainly focus on better data. Nature Climate Change, June 1-7.
Saraswat, Arvind*, Joshua S. Apte, Milind Kandlikar, Michael Brauer, Sarah B. Henderson, and Julian D. Marshall. 2013. “Spatiotemporal Land Use Regression Models of Fine, Ultrafine, and Black Carbon Particulate Matter in New Delhi, India, Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (22) (November 19).
Beaudrie, Christian E. H.*, Terre Satterfield, Milind Kandlikar, and Barbara H. Harthorn. 2013. “Expert Views on Regulatory Preparedness for Managing the Risks of Nanotechnologies.” PLoS ONE 8, (11) (November 11): e80250.
Harish, Santosh M.*, Kaveri K. Iychettira, Shuba V. Raghavan, and Milind Kandlikar. 2013. “Adoption of Solar Home Lighting Systems in India: What Might We Learn from Karnataka?” Energy Policy, 62 (November): 697–706.
Brian J.*, Rogak S., and Kandlikar M. (2013) Characterization of Ultrafine Particulate Matter from Traditional and Improved Biomass Cookstoves. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (7),3506–3512
Teehan, P*. and Kandlikar, M (2013). Comparing Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Modern Computing and Electronics Products. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(9), 3997–4003.
Beaudrie, C.E.H*, Kandlikar M., Satterfield T. (2013). From Cradle-to-Grave at the Nanoscale: Gaps in US Regulatory Oversight along the Nanomaterial Life Cycle. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (11), pp 5524–5534
Harish, Santosh M.*, Shuba V. Raghavan, Milind Kandlikar, and Gireesh Shrimali. 2013. “Assessing the Impact of the Transition to Light Emitting Diodes Based Solar Lighting Systems in India.” Energy for Sustainable Development, 17 (4) (August): 363–370.
Grieshop, Andrew P., Daniel Boland, Conor CO Reynolds, Brian Gouge, Joshua S. Apte, Steven N. Rogak, and Milind Kandlikar (2012) Modeling Air Pollutant Emissions from Indian Auto-rickshaws: Model Development and Implications for Fleet Emission Rate Estimates. Atmospheric Environment, 50 (2012): 148–156.
Donner, S., Kandlikar, M., Zerriffi H. (2011) IEG’s Role in Evaluating Climate Financing—Response, Science 16 March 2012: 1302-1303. (Editorial Review)
Teehan, Paul, and Milind Kandlikar (2012) Sources of Variation in Life Cycle Assessments of Desktop Computers. Journal of Industrial Ecology 16, no. s1 (2012): S182–S194.
Donner, S., Kandlikar, M., Zerriffi H. (2011) Preparing to Manage Climate Change Financing, Science 334, no. 6058 (November 18, 2011): 908 -909.
Ho-Lem, C., Zerriffi, H., Kandlikar, M. (2011) Who participates in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Why: A Quantitative Analysis of National Representation of Scientists in the IPCC, Global Environmental Change 21(4), 1308-1371.
Lagally, C., Grieshop, A., Reynolds, C., and Rogak, S., Kandlikar, M. (2011) Carbon Nanotube and fullerene emissions from spark-ignited engines, Aerosol Science and Technology, 46(2), 156-164.
Findlater, K., Kandlikar, M. (2011) Land use and second-generation biofuel feedstocks: Unconsidered impacts of Jatropha biodiesel in Rajasthan, India, Energy Policy, 39(6), 3404-3413.
Greishop, A., Kandlikar, M. (2011) Health and Climate Benefits of Cook-stove Replacement Options, Energy Policy, 39(12), 7530-7542.
Beaudrie, C.E.H., Kandlikar, M. (2011) Horses for Courses: Risk Information and Decision Making In the Regulation of Nanomaterials. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 13(4), 1477-1488.
Reynolds, C.C.O., Grieshop, A., Kandlikar, M. (2011) Climate and health relevant emissions from in-use Indian three-wheelers fueled by natural gas and gasoline, Environmental Science & Technology: 45 (6), pp 2406–2412.
Reynolds, C.C.O., Kandlikar, M. and Badami, M.G. (2011) Determinants of PM and GHG emissions from natural gas fueled auto-rickshaws in Delhi, Transportation Research D – Transport and Environment. 16(160-165).
Milind Kandlikar, Conor Reynolds. Modeling air pollutant emissions from Indian auto-rickshaws: Model development and implications for fleet emission rate estimates, Atmospheric Environment, 1 April 2012.
Milind Kandlikar, Andrew P. Grieshop. Health and climate benefits of cookstove replacement options, 24 November 2011.
Hisham Zerriffi, Milind Kandlikar, Simon Donner. Preparing to Manage Climate Change Financing, Science, 17 November 2011
Milind Kandlikar, Hisham Zerriffi. Who Participates in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Why: A quantitative assessment of the national representation of authors in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Global Environmental Change, 30 September 2011.
Conor Reynolds, Milind Kandlikar, Andrew Grieshop. Clean fuel worsens climate impacts for some vehicle engines: UBC study, 1 March 2011.
Hisham Zerriffi, Milind Kandlikar, Claudia Ho Lem. Science, decision-making and development: Managing the risks of climate variation in less-industrialized countries, 28 February 2011.