Nathan Bennett

Honorary Research Associate
Research Expertise


Dr. Nathan Bennett ( is an Honorary Research Associate at the UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs. He is a researcher, a teacher, a facilitator and an independent consultant who works for various non-governmental, academic, and philanthropic organizations.

He has published more than 70 academic papers and book chapters on the human dimensions of marine and terrestrial conservation, small-scale fisheries, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, and governance of the blue economy.

His work is global in scope – with past research projects in Canada, Mexico, Thailand, and around the Mediterranean Sea. Dr. Bennett is also the PI of The Peopled Seas Initiative and the Chair of the People and the Ocean Specialist Group for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

He received his PhD in Geography from the University of Victoria (2013), and has been the recipient of a number awards including a Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship, SSHRC Doctoral and Postdoctoral Awards, a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, a Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellowship, and a Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award.



Published Articles and Chapters:

Bennett, N. J., Katz, L., Yadao-Evans, W., Ahmadia, G. N., Atkinson, S., Ban, N. C., Dawson, N. M., de Vos, A., Fitzpatrick, J., Gill, D., Imirizaldu, M., Lewis, N., Mangubhai, S., Meth, L., Muhl, E.-K., Obura, D., Spalding, A. K., Villagomez, A., Wagner, D., … Wilhelm, A. (2021). Advancing social equity in and through marine conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science0


Dawson, N., Coolsaet, B., Sterling, E., Loveridge, R., Gross-Camp, N., Wongbusarakum, S., Sangha, K., Scherl, L., Phan, H., Zafra-Calvo, N., Lavey, W., Byakagaba, P., Idrobo, C. J., Chenet, A., Bennett, N., Mansourian, S., & Rosado-May, F. (2021). The role of Indigenous peoples and local communities in effective and equitable conservation. Ecology and Society26(3).


Bennett, N. J., Ban, N. C., Schuhbauer, A., Splichalova, D.-V., Eadie, M., Vandeborne, K., McIsaac, J., Angel, E., Charleson, J., Gavenus, E. R., Harper, S., Satterfield, T., Sutcliffe, T., & Sumaila, R. (2021). Access rights, capacities and benefits in small-scale fisheries: Insights from the Pacific Coast of Canada. Marine Policy130, 104581.


Satizábal, P., Billon, P. L., Belhabib, D., Saavedra-Díaz, L. M., Figueroa, I., Noriega, G., & Bennett, N. J. (2021). Ethical considerations for research on small-scale fisheries and blue crimes. Fish and Fisheries, online.


Blythe, J. L., Armitage, D., Bennett, N. J., Silver, J. J., & Song, A. M. (2021). The Politics of Ocean Governance Transformations. Frontiers in Marine Science8, 634718.


Bennett, N. J., Blythe, J., White, C. S., & Campero, C. (2021). Blue growth and blue justice: Ten risks and solutions for the ocean economy. Marine Policy125, 104387.


Andrews, N., Bennett, N. J., Le Billon, P., Green, S. J., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Amongin, S., Gray, N. J., & Sumaila, U. R. (2021). Oil, fisheries and coastal communities: A review of impacts on the environment, livelihoods, space and governance. Energy Research & Social Science, 75, 102009.


Chambers, J. M., Wyborn, C., Ryan, M. E., Reid, R. S., Riechers, M., Serban, A., Bennett, N. J., Cvitanovic, C., Fernández-Giménez, M. E., Galvin, K. A., Goldstein, B. E., Klenk, N. L., Tengö, M., Brennan, R., Cockburn, J. J., Hill, R., Munera, C., Nel, J. L., Österblom, H., … Pickering, T. (2021). Six modes of co-production for sustainability. Nature Sustainability, 1–14.


Bennett, N. J., Schuhbauer, A., Skerritt, D., & Ebrahim, N. (2021). Socio-economic monitoring and evaluation in fisheries. Fisheries Research239, 105934.


Cooke, S. J., Nguyen, V. M., Young, N., Reid, A. J., Roche, D. G., Bennett, N. J., Rytwinski, T., & Bennett, J. R. (2021). Contemporary authorship guidelines fail to recognize diverse contributions in conservation science research. Ecological Solutions and Evidence2(2), e12060.


Blythe, J., Armitage, D., Bennett, N., Silver, J. J., & Song, A. M. (2021). Conditions and Cautions for Transforming Ocean Governance. In J. Baird & R. Plummer (Eds.), Water Resilience: Management and Governance in Times of Change(pp. 241–261). Springer International Publishing.


Bennett, N. J., Finkbeiner, E., Ban, N. C., Belhabib, D., Jupiter, S. D., Kittinger, J. N., Mangubhai, S., Scholtens, J., Gill, D., & Christie, P. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic, small-scale fisheries and coastal fishing communities. Coastal Management. (Open access link)


Alexander, S. M., Jones, K., Bennett, N. J.,Budden, A., Cox, M., Crosas, M., … Weber, N. (2020). Qualitative data sharing and synthesis for sustainability science. Nature Sustainability, 1–8. (Link)


Bennett, N. J., Calò, A., Di Franco, A., Niccolini, F., Marzo, D., Domina, I., Dimitriadis, C., Sobrado, F., Santoni, M.-C., Charbonnel, E., Trujillo, M., Garcia-Charton, J., Seddiki, L., Cappanera, V., Grbin, J., Kastelic, L., Milazzo, M., & Guidetti, P. (2020). Social equity and marine protected areas: Perceptions of small-scale fishermen in the Mediterranean Sea. Biological Conservation244, 108531. (Link)


Di Franco, A., Hogg, K., Calò, A., Bennett, N. J., et al. (2020). Improving marine protected area governance through collaboration and co-production. Journal of Environmental Management. (Link).


Andrews, E.J.*, Harper, S.*, Cashion, T., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Blythe, J., Daly, J., Eger, S., Hoover, C., Talloni-Alvarez, N., Teh, L., Bennett, N., Epstein, G., Knott, C., Newell, S.L, and Whitney, C.K. (2020). Supporting interdisciplinary early career researchers: Insights from the marine sciences. ICES Journal of Marine Science. (Link)


Bennett, N.J. Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M., Blythe, J., Silver, J.J., Singh, G. Andrews, N., Calò, A., Christie, P., Di Franco, A., Finkbeiner, E.M., Gelcich, S., Guidetti, P., Harper, S., Hotte, N., Kittinger, J.N., Le Billon, P., Lister, J., Lopez de la Lama, R., McKinley, E., Scholtens,J., Solås, A.-M., Sowman, M., Talloni-Álvarez, N., Teh, L.C.L, Voyer, M. & Sumaila, U.R. (2019). Towards a sustainable and equitable blue economyNature Sustainability, 1–3. (link)


Bennett, N. J., Blythe, J., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Singh, G. G., & Sumaila, U. R. (2019). Just Transformations to SustainabilitySustainability11(14), 3881. (Link)


Hodgson, E. E., Essington, T. E., Samhouri, J. F., Allison, E. H., Bennett, N. J., Bostrom, A., … Poe, M. R. (2019). Integrated Risk Assessment for the Blue EconomyFrontiers in Marine Science6. (link)


Bennett, N. J., Franco, A. D., Calò, A., Nethery, E., Niccolini, F., Milazzo, M., & Guidetti, P. (2019). Local support for conservation is associated with perceptions of good governance, social impacts, and ecological effectiveness. Conservation Letters0(0), e12640. (Link)


Ban, N. C., Gurney, G. G., Marshall, N. A., Whitney, C. K., Mills, M., Gelcich, S., … Breslow, S. J. (2019). Well-being outcomes of marine protected areas. Nature Sustainability2(6), 524. (link)


Bennett, N.J. (2019). Marine social science for the peopled seas. Coastal management. (Link)


Gill, D. A., Cheng, S. H., Glew, L., Aigner, E., Bennett, N. J., & Mascia, M. B. (2019). Social Synergies, Tradeoffs, and Equity in Marine Conservation Impacts. Annual Review of Environment and Resources44(1), null. (Open Access Link)


Bennett, N.J. (2019). In political seas: Engaging with political ecology in the ocean and coastal environment. Coastal management, 1, 1-21 (link)


Coristine, L. E., Colla, S., Bennett, N., Carrlsson, A., Davy, C., Davies, K. T. A., … Ford, A. T. (2019). National contributions to global ecosystem values. Conservation Biology, Online. (link)


Bennett, N.J. & Roth, R. (2019). Realizing the transformative potential of conservation through the social sciences, arts and humanitiesBiological Conservation. (Link)


Moon, K., Blackman, D.A., Adams, V.M. Colvin, R.M., Davila, F., Evans, M.C., Januchowski‐Hartley, S.R., Bennett, N.J., Dickinson, H., Sandbrook, C., Sherren, K., St John, F.A.V., van Kerkhoff, L. & Wyborn, C. (2019). Expanding the Role of Social Science in Conservation through an Engagement with Philosophy, Methodology, and Methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Online: link.

Nathan Bennett

Honorary Research Associate
Research Expertise


Dr. Nathan Bennett ( is an Honorary Research Associate at the UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs. He is a researcher, a teacher, a facilitator and an independent consultant who works for various non-governmental, academic, and philanthropic organizations.

He has published more than 70 academic papers and book chapters on the human dimensions of marine and terrestrial conservation, small-scale fisheries, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, and governance of the blue economy.

His work is global in scope – with past research projects in Canada, Mexico, Thailand, and around the Mediterranean Sea. Dr. Bennett is also the PI of The Peopled Seas Initiative and the Chair of the People and the Ocean Specialist Group for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

He received his PhD in Geography from the University of Victoria (2013), and has been the recipient of a number awards including a Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship, SSHRC Doctoral and Postdoctoral Awards, a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, a Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellowship, and a Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award.



Published Articles and Chapters:

Bennett, N. J., Katz, L., Yadao-Evans, W., Ahmadia, G. N., Atkinson, S., Ban, N. C., Dawson, N. M., de Vos, A., Fitzpatrick, J., Gill, D., Imirizaldu, M., Lewis, N., Mangubhai, S., Meth, L., Muhl, E.-K., Obura, D., Spalding, A. K., Villagomez, A., Wagner, D., … Wilhelm, A. (2021). Advancing social equity in and through marine conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science0


Dawson, N., Coolsaet, B., Sterling, E., Loveridge, R., Gross-Camp, N., Wongbusarakum, S., Sangha, K., Scherl, L., Phan, H., Zafra-Calvo, N., Lavey, W., Byakagaba, P., Idrobo, C. J., Chenet, A., Bennett, N., Mansourian, S., & Rosado-May, F. (2021). The role of Indigenous peoples and local communities in effective and equitable conservation. Ecology and Society26(3).


Bennett, N. J., Ban, N. C., Schuhbauer, A., Splichalova, D.-V., Eadie, M., Vandeborne, K., McIsaac, J., Angel, E., Charleson, J., Gavenus, E. R., Harper, S., Satterfield, T., Sutcliffe, T., & Sumaila, R. (2021). Access rights, capacities and benefits in small-scale fisheries: Insights from the Pacific Coast of Canada. Marine Policy130, 104581.


Satizábal, P., Billon, P. L., Belhabib, D., Saavedra-Díaz, L. M., Figueroa, I., Noriega, G., & Bennett, N. J. (2021). Ethical considerations for research on small-scale fisheries and blue crimes. Fish and Fisheries, online.


Blythe, J. L., Armitage, D., Bennett, N. J., Silver, J. J., & Song, A. M. (2021). The Politics of Ocean Governance Transformations. Frontiers in Marine Science8, 634718.


Bennett, N. J., Blythe, J., White, C. S., & Campero, C. (2021). Blue growth and blue justice: Ten risks and solutions for the ocean economy. Marine Policy125, 104387.


Andrews, N., Bennett, N. J., Le Billon, P., Green, S. J., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Amongin, S., Gray, N. J., & Sumaila, U. R. (2021). Oil, fisheries and coastal communities: A review of impacts on the environment, livelihoods, space and governance. Energy Research & Social Science, 75, 102009.


Chambers, J. M., Wyborn, C., Ryan, M. E., Reid, R. S., Riechers, M., Serban, A., Bennett, N. J., Cvitanovic, C., Fernández-Giménez, M. E., Galvin, K. A., Goldstein, B. E., Klenk, N. L., Tengö, M., Brennan, R., Cockburn, J. J., Hill, R., Munera, C., Nel, J. L., Österblom, H., … Pickering, T. (2021). Six modes of co-production for sustainability. Nature Sustainability, 1–14.


Bennett, N. J., Schuhbauer, A., Skerritt, D., & Ebrahim, N. (2021). Socio-economic monitoring and evaluation in fisheries. Fisheries Research239, 105934.


Cooke, S. J., Nguyen, V. M., Young, N., Reid, A. J., Roche, D. G., Bennett, N. J., Rytwinski, T., & Bennett, J. R. (2021). Contemporary authorship guidelines fail to recognize diverse contributions in conservation science research. Ecological Solutions and Evidence2(2), e12060.


Blythe, J., Armitage, D., Bennett, N., Silver, J. J., & Song, A. M. (2021). Conditions and Cautions for Transforming Ocean Governance. In J. Baird & R. Plummer (Eds.), Water Resilience: Management and Governance in Times of Change(pp. 241–261). Springer International Publishing.


Bennett, N. J., Finkbeiner, E., Ban, N. C., Belhabib, D., Jupiter, S. D., Kittinger, J. N., Mangubhai, S., Scholtens, J., Gill, D., & Christie, P. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic, small-scale fisheries and coastal fishing communities. Coastal Management. (Open access link)


Alexander, S. M., Jones, K., Bennett, N. J.,Budden, A., Cox, M., Crosas, M., … Weber, N. (2020). Qualitative data sharing and synthesis for sustainability science. Nature Sustainability, 1–8. (Link)


Bennett, N. J., Calò, A., Di Franco, A., Niccolini, F., Marzo, D., Domina, I., Dimitriadis, C., Sobrado, F., Santoni, M.-C., Charbonnel, E., Trujillo, M., Garcia-Charton, J., Seddiki, L., Cappanera, V., Grbin, J., Kastelic, L., Milazzo, M., & Guidetti, P. (2020). Social equity and marine protected areas: Perceptions of small-scale fishermen in the Mediterranean Sea. Biological Conservation244, 108531. (Link)


Di Franco, A., Hogg, K., Calò, A., Bennett, N. J., et al. (2020). Improving marine protected area governance through collaboration and co-production. Journal of Environmental Management. (Link).


Andrews, E.J.*, Harper, S.*, Cashion, T., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Blythe, J., Daly, J., Eger, S., Hoover, C., Talloni-Alvarez, N., Teh, L., Bennett, N., Epstein, G., Knott, C., Newell, S.L, and Whitney, C.K. (2020). Supporting interdisciplinary early career researchers: Insights from the marine sciences. ICES Journal of Marine Science. (Link)


Bennett, N.J. Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M., Blythe, J., Silver, J.J., Singh, G. Andrews, N., Calò, A., Christie, P., Di Franco, A., Finkbeiner, E.M., Gelcich, S., Guidetti, P., Harper, S., Hotte, N., Kittinger, J.N., Le Billon, P., Lister, J., Lopez de la Lama, R., McKinley, E., Scholtens,J., Solås, A.-M., Sowman, M., Talloni-Álvarez, N., Teh, L.C.L, Voyer, M. & Sumaila, U.R. (2019). Towards a sustainable and equitable blue economyNature Sustainability, 1–3. (link)


Bennett, N. J., Blythe, J., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Singh, G. G., & Sumaila, U. R. (2019). Just Transformations to SustainabilitySustainability11(14), 3881. (Link)


Hodgson, E. E., Essington, T. E., Samhouri, J. F., Allison, E. H., Bennett, N. J., Bostrom, A., … Poe, M. R. (2019). Integrated Risk Assessment for the Blue EconomyFrontiers in Marine Science6. (link)


Bennett, N. J., Franco, A. D., Calò, A., Nethery, E., Niccolini, F., Milazzo, M., & Guidetti, P. (2019). Local support for conservation is associated with perceptions of good governance, social impacts, and ecological effectiveness. Conservation Letters0(0), e12640. (Link)


Ban, N. C., Gurney, G. G., Marshall, N. A., Whitney, C. K., Mills, M., Gelcich, S., … Breslow, S. J. (2019). Well-being outcomes of marine protected areas. Nature Sustainability2(6), 524. (link)


Bennett, N.J. (2019). Marine social science for the peopled seas. Coastal management. (Link)


Gill, D. A., Cheng, S. H., Glew, L., Aigner, E., Bennett, N. J., & Mascia, M. B. (2019). Social Synergies, Tradeoffs, and Equity in Marine Conservation Impacts. Annual Review of Environment and Resources44(1), null. (Open Access Link)


Bennett, N.J. (2019). In political seas: Engaging with political ecology in the ocean and coastal environment. Coastal management, 1, 1-21 (link)


Coristine, L. E., Colla, S., Bennett, N., Carrlsson, A., Davy, C., Davies, K. T. A., … Ford, A. T. (2019). National contributions to global ecosystem values. Conservation Biology, Online. (link)


Bennett, N.J. & Roth, R. (2019). Realizing the transformative potential of conservation through the social sciences, arts and humanitiesBiological Conservation. (Link)


Moon, K., Blackman, D.A., Adams, V.M. Colvin, R.M., Davila, F., Evans, M.C., Januchowski‐Hartley, S.R., Bennett, N.J., Dickinson, H., Sandbrook, C., Sherren, K., St John, F.A.V., van Kerkhoff, L. & Wyborn, C. (2019). Expanding the Role of Social Science in Conservation through an Engagement with Philosophy, Methodology, and Methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Online: link.

Nathan Bennett

Honorary Research Associate
Research Expertise
About keyboard_arrow_down

Dr. Nathan Bennett ( is an Honorary Research Associate at the UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs. He is a researcher, a teacher, a facilitator and an independent consultant who works for various non-governmental, academic, and philanthropic organizations.

He has published more than 70 academic papers and book chapters on the human dimensions of marine and terrestrial conservation, small-scale fisheries, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, and governance of the blue economy.

His work is global in scope – with past research projects in Canada, Mexico, Thailand, and around the Mediterranean Sea. Dr. Bennett is also the PI of The Peopled Seas Initiative and the Chair of the People and the Ocean Specialist Group for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

He received his PhD in Geography from the University of Victoria (2013), and has been the recipient of a number awards including a Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship, SSHRC Doctoral and Postdoctoral Awards, a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, a Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellowship, and a Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award.

Teaching keyboard_arrow_down
Publications keyboard_arrow_down

Published Articles and Chapters:

Bennett, N. J., Katz, L., Yadao-Evans, W., Ahmadia, G. N., Atkinson, S., Ban, N. C., Dawson, N. M., de Vos, A., Fitzpatrick, J., Gill, D., Imirizaldu, M., Lewis, N., Mangubhai, S., Meth, L., Muhl, E.-K., Obura, D., Spalding, A. K., Villagomez, A., Wagner, D., … Wilhelm, A. (2021). Advancing social equity in and through marine conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science0


Dawson, N., Coolsaet, B., Sterling, E., Loveridge, R., Gross-Camp, N., Wongbusarakum, S., Sangha, K., Scherl, L., Phan, H., Zafra-Calvo, N., Lavey, W., Byakagaba, P., Idrobo, C. J., Chenet, A., Bennett, N., Mansourian, S., & Rosado-May, F. (2021). The role of Indigenous peoples and local communities in effective and equitable conservation. Ecology and Society26(3).


Bennett, N. J., Ban, N. C., Schuhbauer, A., Splichalova, D.-V., Eadie, M., Vandeborne, K., McIsaac, J., Angel, E., Charleson, J., Gavenus, E. R., Harper, S., Satterfield, T., Sutcliffe, T., & Sumaila, R. (2021). Access rights, capacities and benefits in small-scale fisheries: Insights from the Pacific Coast of Canada. Marine Policy130, 104581.


Satizábal, P., Billon, P. L., Belhabib, D., Saavedra-Díaz, L. M., Figueroa, I., Noriega, G., & Bennett, N. J. (2021). Ethical considerations for research on small-scale fisheries and blue crimes. Fish and Fisheries, online.


Blythe, J. L., Armitage, D., Bennett, N. J., Silver, J. J., & Song, A. M. (2021). The Politics of Ocean Governance Transformations. Frontiers in Marine Science8, 634718.


Bennett, N. J., Blythe, J., White, C. S., & Campero, C. (2021). Blue growth and blue justice: Ten risks and solutions for the ocean economy. Marine Policy125, 104387.


Andrews, N., Bennett, N. J., Le Billon, P., Green, S. J., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Amongin, S., Gray, N. J., & Sumaila, U. R. (2021). Oil, fisheries and coastal communities: A review of impacts on the environment, livelihoods, space and governance. Energy Research & Social Science, 75, 102009.


Chambers, J. M., Wyborn, C., Ryan, M. E., Reid, R. S., Riechers, M., Serban, A., Bennett, N. J., Cvitanovic, C., Fernández-Giménez, M. E., Galvin, K. A., Goldstein, B. E., Klenk, N. L., Tengö, M., Brennan, R., Cockburn, J. J., Hill, R., Munera, C., Nel, J. L., Österblom, H., … Pickering, T. (2021). Six modes of co-production for sustainability. Nature Sustainability, 1–14.


Bennett, N. J., Schuhbauer, A., Skerritt, D., & Ebrahim, N. (2021). Socio-economic monitoring and evaluation in fisheries. Fisheries Research239, 105934.


Cooke, S. J., Nguyen, V. M., Young, N., Reid, A. J., Roche, D. G., Bennett, N. J., Rytwinski, T., & Bennett, J. R. (2021). Contemporary authorship guidelines fail to recognize diverse contributions in conservation science research. Ecological Solutions and Evidence2(2), e12060.


Blythe, J., Armitage, D., Bennett, N., Silver, J. J., & Song, A. M. (2021). Conditions and Cautions for Transforming Ocean Governance. In J. Baird & R. Plummer (Eds.), Water Resilience: Management and Governance in Times of Change(pp. 241–261). Springer International Publishing.


Bennett, N. J., Finkbeiner, E., Ban, N. C., Belhabib, D., Jupiter, S. D., Kittinger, J. N., Mangubhai, S., Scholtens, J., Gill, D., & Christie, P. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic, small-scale fisheries and coastal fishing communities. Coastal Management. (Open access link)


Alexander, S. M., Jones, K., Bennett, N. J.,Budden, A., Cox, M., Crosas, M., … Weber, N. (2020). Qualitative data sharing and synthesis for sustainability science. Nature Sustainability, 1–8. (Link)


Bennett, N. J., Calò, A., Di Franco, A., Niccolini, F., Marzo, D., Domina, I., Dimitriadis, C., Sobrado, F., Santoni, M.-C., Charbonnel, E., Trujillo, M., Garcia-Charton, J., Seddiki, L., Cappanera, V., Grbin, J., Kastelic, L., Milazzo, M., & Guidetti, P. (2020). Social equity and marine protected areas: Perceptions of small-scale fishermen in the Mediterranean Sea. Biological Conservation244, 108531. (Link)


Di Franco, A., Hogg, K., Calò, A., Bennett, N. J., et al. (2020). Improving marine protected area governance through collaboration and co-production. Journal of Environmental Management. (Link).


Andrews, E.J.*, Harper, S.*, Cashion, T., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Blythe, J., Daly, J., Eger, S., Hoover, C., Talloni-Alvarez, N., Teh, L., Bennett, N., Epstein, G., Knott, C., Newell, S.L, and Whitney, C.K. (2020). Supporting interdisciplinary early career researchers: Insights from the marine sciences. ICES Journal of Marine Science. (Link)


Bennett, N.J. Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M., Blythe, J., Silver, J.J., Singh, G. Andrews, N., Calò, A., Christie, P., Di Franco, A., Finkbeiner, E.M., Gelcich, S., Guidetti, P., Harper, S., Hotte, N., Kittinger, J.N., Le Billon, P., Lister, J., Lopez de la Lama, R., McKinley, E., Scholtens,J., Solås, A.-M., Sowman, M., Talloni-Álvarez, N., Teh, L.C.L, Voyer, M. & Sumaila, U.R. (2019). Towards a sustainable and equitable blue economyNature Sustainability, 1–3. (link)


Bennett, N. J., Blythe, J., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Singh, G. G., & Sumaila, U. R. (2019). Just Transformations to SustainabilitySustainability11(14), 3881. (Link)


Hodgson, E. E., Essington, T. E., Samhouri, J. F., Allison, E. H., Bennett, N. J., Bostrom, A., … Poe, M. R. (2019). Integrated Risk Assessment for the Blue EconomyFrontiers in Marine Science6. (link)


Bennett, N. J., Franco, A. D., Calò, A., Nethery, E., Niccolini, F., Milazzo, M., & Guidetti, P. (2019). Local support for conservation is associated with perceptions of good governance, social impacts, and ecological effectiveness. Conservation Letters0(0), e12640. (Link)


Ban, N. C., Gurney, G. G., Marshall, N. A., Whitney, C. K., Mills, M., Gelcich, S., … Breslow, S. J. (2019). Well-being outcomes of marine protected areas. Nature Sustainability2(6), 524. (link)


Bennett, N.J. (2019). Marine social science for the peopled seas. Coastal management. (Link)


Gill, D. A., Cheng, S. H., Glew, L., Aigner, E., Bennett, N. J., & Mascia, M. B. (2019). Social Synergies, Tradeoffs, and Equity in Marine Conservation Impacts. Annual Review of Environment and Resources44(1), null. (Open Access Link)


Bennett, N.J. (2019). In political seas: Engaging with political ecology in the ocean and coastal environment. Coastal management, 1, 1-21 (link)


Coristine, L. E., Colla, S., Bennett, N., Carrlsson, A., Davy, C., Davies, K. T. A., … Ford, A. T. (2019). National contributions to global ecosystem values. Conservation Biology, Online. (link)


Bennett, N.J. & Roth, R. (2019). Realizing the transformative potential of conservation through the social sciences, arts and humanitiesBiological Conservation. (Link)


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