Vincent Ialenti

Pay Close Attention to Russia’s Small Neighbor on Energy

Pay Close Attention to Russia’s Small Neighbor on Energy

Achieving carbon neutrality is a matter that’s the source of headache for many politicians. But if there’s one country with clear and ambitious energy targets, it’s Finland. Former Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti comments on Finland’s “mankala model”.

The Art of Pondering Earth’s Distant Future

The Art of Pondering Earth’s Distant Future

“We were born on a damaged planet careening toward environmental collapse. Yet our intellects are poorly equipped to grasp the scale of the Earth’s ecological death spiral.” As an anthropologist, Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti shows us how thinking across time can help us become more responsible planetary stewards and foster empathy across generations.

Deep Time Reckoning: How Future Thinking Can Help Earth Now

Deep Time Reckoning: How Future Thinking Can Help Earth Now

Listen to the latest episode of Living on Earth’s podcast featuring SPPGA Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti, where he discusses the world’s first spent nuclear fuel repository in Finland, as well as the benefits of thinking in deep time.

What’s Behind the U.S. War on Science?

What’s Behind the U.S. War on Science?

In an op-ed for SAPIENS, Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti reflects on the progress the Biden administration has made on restoring American trust in science by comparing it with Finland’s approach in governance and trust.

The Time and Space for Earthly Reckoning Is Here and Now

The Time and Space for Earthly Reckoning Is Here and Now

“This book provides a convincing case that future thinking, time-literacy, and an engagement with deep-time is highly important.” Read the latest book review by Martin Gren on SPPGA Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti’s “Deep Time Reckoning.”

SPPGA Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti Joins as Berggruen Fellow

SPPGA Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti Joins as Berggruen Fellow

Congratulations to SPPGA Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti, who will be joining the Berggruen Institute community of thinkers as a Fellow this fall. The 2021-2022 Class of Fellows focuses on reimagining society through interdisciplinary research.

Mankala Chronicles: Nuclear Energy Financing and Cooperative Corporate Form in Finland

Mankala Chronicles: Nuclear Energy Financing and Cooperative Corporate Form in Finland

Drawing on 32 months of interview-based ethnographic fieldwork, Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti examines Finland’s “mankala” nuclear energy companies through the lens of anthropological theories of corporate form.

A Thin Conception of Time

A Thin Conception of Time

Discussing SPPGA Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti’s book, this article analyzes his idea of a “thin conception of time” where communities, businesses, and individuals live in short time spans; a cacophony progressing from one topic to another.

A Million Years into the Future: Why You Need a Dose of Very Deep Thinking

A Million Years into the Future: Why You Need a Dose of Very Deep Thinking

Deep-time-thinking is critical to break free from the “shallow time discipline,” SPPGA Postdoc Fellow Vincent Ialenti says. His study of Finnish nuclear-risk experts can help us envision and confront catastrophes in the deep future, he adds.

Drum Breach: Operational Temporalities, Error Politics and WIPP’s Kitty Litter Nuclear Waste Accident

Drum Breach: Operational Temporalities, Error Politics and WIPP’s Kitty Litter Nuclear Waste Accident

In 2014, at the WIPP transuranic waste repository in New Mexico, a chemical reaction with kitty litter caused a drum to ignite. Vincent Ialenti delves into how overambitious political initiatives, fraught labor relationships, financialized subcontracting arrangements and more set the stage for a radiological disaster (Journal access).

The Benefits of Embracing ‘Deep Time’ in a Year Like 2020

The Benefits of Embracing ‘Deep Time’ in a Year Like 2020

Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti speaks on his experience on how ‘deep time’ thinking aided him outside of his research, particularly in guiding long-term thinking amongst a global crisis and the future of Earth’s climate.

Lessons from Nuclear Waste Management Could Help Us Move Beyond Shortsighted Climate Thinking

Lessons from Nuclear Waste Management Could Help Us Move Beyond Shortsighted Climate Thinking

“Before we were worried about fossil fuels and plastic pollution, nuclear waste stretched our minds to think about our place in geological time.” Vincent Ialenti proposes that considering the magnitude of humanity’s impact on the planet is now our collective responsibility.

How Long-term Thinking Can Help Earth Now

How Long-term Thinking Can Help Earth Now

Read the latest interview with Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Ialenti on what drew him to write his latest book, “Deep Time Reckoning: How Future Thinking Can Help Earth Now,” and his perspective on long-term thinking regarding nuclear waste. More at The Long Now Foundation.